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Ever since you got into Parfedia Academy, you instantly got loved on! You were so intelligent and sweet, yet strong and handsome at the same time!

The girls definitely were thirsting over you while the boys were being pretty jealous (or they also thirsty idk), but you didn't care, all you cared about is being a normal Parfedia student.

But one student was interesting in your eye...

Prune Juice Cookie.

Even though he wasn't the most popular and strongest cookie, he was just a normal Parfedia student. But you did find something unique in him that others didn't see, it's his intelligence!

Prune Juice Cookie was, in your words, the smartest cookie ever! Whenever there's some extreme potion crisis, he's here to help with his knowledge of potions and good intelligence of what to do!

And he had so many potions up his sleeve! (Literally💀) and always was there to solve the problem, sickness, or even an attack on the academy!

You slowly started to be attached to Prune Juice Cookie, slowly feeling something forming whenever you think about him. At first you thought it was nothing, but then it started to bother you. You couldn't concentrate, you kept zoning out, and you even couldn't sleep whenever you think about him!

And it made your heart warm up and feel fuzzy whenever you're near him or talking to him. Some boys in your class even teased you because you always blushed near Prune Juice Cookie, making you blush even harder and embarrass yourself!

So you decided to finally figure out what is this feeling.

You went into Prune Juice Cookies dorm, seeming to be hesitant to go inside, you didn't know why but it seemed like a such a bad idea... Snap out of it Y/N Cookie! You came here for help! Not whatever you're thinking about! You hesitantly knocked on the door, expecting him to open the door.

And few minutes passed...then 10 minutes passed... then...30 minutes passed... where the hell was he? You decided to knock the fuck out of the door. Slamming it nearly at the wall. What? You didn't mean it.... Ok you did it a little intentionally.

When you checked the dorm, you noticed that there was Prune Juice Cookie in the middle of the room, looking at your with a wide eyed expression, until turning into his usual smile, but still glaring a little.

"Prune Juice Cookie! I don't know what's going on but you need to help me!"
"Not when you broke down my door.."
"You weren't opening for half an hour!!"
"I was... Busy Making new potions."

Prune Juice Cookie chuckled as he turned away from you and continued to do something in his kettle. "Alright, what's your problem this time?" He asked as he didn't even turn to look at you. You typically invited yourself in as you started to babble the most random words that masher all together because of how...Nervous you were!

"Wait, wait, wait, what did you just say?" He interrupted your rant as he looked at you, surprisingly without that grin he's always wore. You blinked, snapping out of your babble.

"I said that I feel weird, maybe I have a fever? But it just keeps disappearing when I..." You trailed off the last part, looking down. Prune Juice Cookie slowly grinned as he started to tease you while chuckling.

"When you what?"
"..When I'm around you."



"Excuse me?!" Prune Juice Cookie gasped as he blushed rather heavily. You looked at the side while rocking your leg like a child, looking pretty embarrassed. "Is there a potion you can make to fix this?" You asked as you glanced at him. Prune Juice Cookie stared at you for few seconds, until starting to grin again.

"Oh Y/N Cookie... No potion can remove that feeling."
"What?! What feeling?!"

And that's when you turned red. What?! Love?! No! It wasn't that! That's what you want to believe though... Oh god.. The feeling came back! Your heart started thumping as you tensed up. You suddenly felt so warm... You looked down in embarrassment while shuffling your hair shyly.

Prune Juice Cookie walked to you and placed a m hand on your shoulder, surprisingly having a genuine smile on his face. You looked down at him as he leaned on your face and kissed your cheek.

"That's okay though, because I have the same feelings for you too."

Sone cookies rlly like x male reader because I say so (and some ship oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now