Chapter 14 - Family

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Jimin's POV

"Are you ok now? You know...after your heat and stuff."

I looked at Jungkook as I closed my workbook and nodded a little surprised he cared.

"Yes hyung. Are you ok?" I asked pointing to my cheek indicating where he got slapped.

"Psh yeah, he's gonna try me one too many times and I'll knock him out."

"I'm sorry he hit you."

"Yeah well...." He looked at me and we locked eyes for a moment. "Whatever." 

I bit my lip and looked back down twiddling my fingers as he closed his laptop.

"Hyung, I wanted to tell you something." I said quietly.

"What?" He asked sitting back.

"I..." I searched for the right words. "I just wanted to say I know you bit me to save me but -"

"I'm not gonna let you kill yourself Jimin so don't ask." 

"No...I wasn't, I just meant you don't have to....pretend to be my mate or like don't have to stick with me. It was in the heat of the moment and -"

"So now you're trying to get rid of me?"

I widened my eyes shaking my head.

"No hyung, of course not. I just thought you didn't really want to be my mate. I don't want to make you feel responsible for me. I'm ok if you just leave me."

"You're being annoying again Jimin. If I didn't want to bite you I wouldn't have."

"I know but..."

"We're not talking about this. You're my mate and that's that. You're gonna go into heat again and the next time you do we'll make it official."

I couldn't help my face heating up and spared a glance at him. He was looking right at me making me quickly avert my eyes down to the table I was just working at. So he wanted to keep me? My mind was racing a million miles a minute when the front door opened. Jin had left to go walk with his brothers from school. Taehyung came in first and looked sad making me sit up a bit concerned. But it was Hoseok who's face was red and eyes were the same color with tears falling.

"Hey what happened?" Jungkook asked. 

Jin came in and sighed shutting the door after Namjoon and Yoongi walked in. 

"His mom called again." Namjoon answered and went to his room.

"His mom?" Jungkook asked the same thing I was wondering. 

Hoseok covered his face and sobbed and I moved near him and tried to console him. Taehyung sat on the other side of him and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"It's ok hyung, she probably just busy." Taehyung said gently.

"Yeah with her new life. She's hiding something, she's always come and spent time with me. You know that. Every month."

Taehyung nodded and I listened confused but just rubbed his back and gave him a kleenex that Jin brought over. 

"I don't understand, I thought you guys -" Jungkook started.

"Hosoek has a different mom." Jin explained. "We all do. Me and Namjoon's mom died when we were just babies and dad met Hoseok's mom. They broke up and now he's with Yoongi and Taehyung's mom. She's like a mom to all of us, cuz we were all so young when dad mated with her. But Hoseok's mom still comes to visit him once a month and takes him out and spends time with him."

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