Chapter 28 - Boxing

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Jimin's POV

I had fun with Jungkook and his dad. His dad was really nice and I was slowly growing a little more comfortable around him. He didn't seem to want anything inappropriate from me and I had been waiting so long for the other shoe to drop. But he was just as kind as the day I met him. He would be coming to get us every Friday to spend time with us and that made Jungkook really happy. I was happy about it too. It was like a family outing and I never had that before. 

We didn't get home until night time and everyone was excited about our new punching bag. Mr. PD and Jungkook and Jin Hyung helped set it up in the back yard and everyone wanted a go at it. I was surprised at how good it felt to punch that thing. It was like instant relief, a lot of built up frustration and anger just smashing into the bag every time I hit it. And it was ok to hit it. Ok to punch it as hard as I wanted. 

Once everyone was done with it I pulled Jungkook's hand and he laughed and nodded coming outside with me. I loved doing it with Jungkook. He was so strong and it was fun taking turns punching the bag. 

"Dang dad was unto something, this feels amazing." He said punching. "I bet you I can punch it really fast."

He started punching quick, one two, and one two three, then one two, one two three, in a span of one minute. He breathed hard and started punching it moving around it like it was an opponent. 

I punched it once hard and stayed opposite him and tried to mimic his  movements making him chuckle. 

"See that's your problem, you're too focused on strength and speed and not precision. Hit somebody twice in the same spot you can down them for a good minute and take out the opponent." Jin said coming out. 

"Hyung!" Jungkook said happily. 

I smiled and Jin hyung came to the punching bag and demonstrated what he meant. 

"Speed is important but precision and power is what makes it count."

"I was fast and powerful."

"Ok sure Jungkook, but one you're giving the same power all the way through. If you're fighting someone you're gonna exhaust yourself out and then your opponent is gonna knock the shit out of you. Lay you out flat before you ever had a chance. You're all focused on your speed and strength. That's important but accuracy is just as important. Keep them guessing." Jin hyung was fighting and dancing around the bag. "Throw some weaker punches make your opponent think they got this and then go in with a mean right hook. Hard and fast."

Jungkook followed and Jin hyung nodded. He motioned me to try too.

"Go ahead Jimin, get a punch in. You want to use accuracy and punch with intention. You're an Omega so your strength is different than that of an Alpha. But you still punch with your whole being, punch with force speed and snap your hand back to you and be prepared for a hit. Don't be afraid to get hit. The goal is to dodge it but if you take a hit, brace for it and then retaliate with a quick punch. Always hit with intention to connect, use force."

I nodded and Jungkook joined me as I punched the bag and he punched as soon as I finished. It made it seem like an opponent was trying to punch me back and I dodged the way Jin Hyung showed me.

"Great job Jimin. Always move around and keep them guessing, those are your best defenses as an Omega with a possible stronger opponent."

"I wanna try!" Taehyung said hurrying out.

I smiled as Jungkook moved back and let him punch the bag.

"You know I've shown you how to punch and fight Taehyung, show Jimin."

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