Chapter 19 - Silence

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Jungkook's POV

We'd looked for Jimin well over 15 minutes and I was growing frustrated.

"He's not here!" I yelled. "Fuck!"

"If you hadn't scented him so heavily we could track his scent down but all I can smell is you!" Yoongi snapped.

"I scented him because he's mine." I growled and got in his face. 

"Yeah well little good it's doing us, your scent is everywhere and Jimin's masked. Thanks for that."

I groaned and Jin grabbed me as I was about to shove him. 

"Yoongi's right Jungkook. We should be able to smell Jimin, at least a little bit."

"Only thing I smell is my own scent and chemicals. He must have left." 

"I smell chemicals too." Hoseok said looking around. "And it's really strong. The Janitor already mopped at lunch and it didn't smell that strong."

They looked at each other and simultaneously decided to follow the scent of heavy chemicals and Jungkook swung the door opened when they reached the utility closet. 

"Oh my god!" Jungkook exclaimed covering his mouth.

"Oh shit, call the ambulance." Jin said quickly.

Jin moved quickly as I stood there in shock staring at Jimin. He was deathly pale and there was bleach and other cleaning supplies spilled on the closet floor. There was throw up, bile, and blood laying in a puddle around Jimin and white froth was coming from his mouth. It was such a horrific sight I was frozen.

"I said call the ambulance! Now!" Jin said picking Jimin up out the mess.

He cleaned his mouth and laid him down outside the closet and started CPR and checking his pulse. Everything sounded muffled and far away and I couldn't get myself to move, it was like everything was moving in slow motion. Like nothing was real. The smell of chemicals was overwhelming everything. I couldn't even smell the blood or vomit, just bleach and several cleaning supplies mixed. Jimin had poisoned himself. 

My hand was snatched and I was jerked to the ground. Jin slapped me and I blinked a bit being pulled back to normal moving time, to the present moment.

"Jungkook I need you to snap out of it. Hold his hand and push your energy into him. As much as you can, continue to do that while I do CPR."

"I can't hear his heartbeat." I said barely audible.

"Just do what I said!"

I took his hand and hesitated at how cold and stiff he felt. Jimin was dead. I tried again and took his hand. My eyes watered as my heart rate sped up and tried to share my energy with him. But I was too panicked, too shocked.

"Jin I can't." I said getting emotional.

"Listen to me Jungkook. If Jimin has a chance of surviving this, I need you. He is your mate, I can share energy with him but not as much as you can. You've got to get yourself together and open that link between you two and share your energy. This is important. Now Focus and try again."

Jin's voice was calm but I could hear his urgency and swallowed hard nodding. I squeezed Jimin's cold hand and closed my eyes. Tried not to think of how I found him, tried to clear that image that seemed to just be seared into my head. I squeezed my eyes and thought of Jimin as he was when I first saw him. Thought of Jimin when he was close to me, underneath me, thought of his smile and his cute laugh. 

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