3. Dyuti's boon's & Dyut sabha

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Dyuti did Tapasya for 4 years and finally her Tapasya was fulfilled.

Brahma- Putri open your eyes your Tapasya is over , ask for a boon.
Dyuti- I want all the tridev Astras and the female forms as a boon.
Shiva- Tathastu! We tridev's bless you with all the tridev Astra's.
Shakti- We Tridevi's also bless you with the female forms. I also grant you the Adi-Shakti Astra as well.

That's when Lord Vishnu said.

Vishnu- Putri that is only one boon. You while praying chanted the mantras of Trimurti and then all of our individual mantras as well. Hence , you shall ask a boon for each of us.

Dyuti thought for sometime and then she asked her boons.

Dyuti- I want all the divine knowledge from you Mata Saraswati. From all the vyuh rachna to ayurveda everything.
Saraswati- Tathastu.

Dyuti- I want you to remove the 2 curses of my Gurudev Brahmadev. The 2 curses that were wrongly one given to him by Prithvi and Second given to him by a Brahmin.
Brahma- Tathastu putri! For your dedication towards your guru I bless you with the Kamal rath. That rath will absorb the divine energy of any Astra.

Dyuti- Mata Lakshmi I was a boon of eternal youth.
Lakshmi- Tathastu.

Dyuti- Narayan I want the boon to remain undefeated in all the wars I participate. Only the Trimurti and their avatars can defeat me.
Vishnu- Tathastu.

Dyuti- Mata Shakti I want a divine shastra that will help me defend dharma.
Shakti- Tathastu I bless you with a Trishul of your own putri.

Dyuti- Mahadev I want a dhanush that will help me fight for dharma.
Shiva- Tathastu , I bless you with the pinak dhanush which I have reassembled after the Treta yug.

Saying that the tridev's and tridevi's vanished in thin air. Then Dyuti also returned to Anga.

That's when she saw Vrishsena having a battle with Bhagwan Parshuram. Though he was defeated he had a smile on his face.

Then Karna asked Dyuti to fight his guru. Both Parshuram and her started to fight with all the types of weapons. The fight with Sword , Spear and mace ended in a tie.

Bhagwan Parshuram won the axe fight but during the archery fight he got shocked seeing the pinak in hands of Dyuti.

As Dyuti held the Shiv dhanush Parshuram accepted his defeat as he didn't want to disrespect the boon of his teacher.

Parshu- I am impressed by both of you hence I bless you both with the Bhargav Astra. That only I , Karna , Trimurti yield. Also you both should and another bow as both Ajgava and Pinak are deadly.
Dyuti- Shall we do Tapasya for that Bhagwan?
Karna- Gurudev I have the Mitra dhanush , Surya dhanush and the Vijaya dhanush. I can give the Mitra to one of them.
Parshu- Then I'll give the other one the Saranga dhanush , my father yielded it so be careful.

Bhagwan Parshuram gave the Saranga to Dyuti and Karna gave the Mitra dhanush to his son. Later all of them were spending time as Dyuti would return home soon. While they were spending time together , A letter came from Hastinapur specifically asking for the presence of Karna Tomorrow in the royal court of Hastinapur.

As there would be a game of dice between the Yuvraj of Hastinapur and Samrat Yudhishthir.

Later in the night Dyuti couldn't sleep as she was feeling anxious. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen in Hastinapur. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder , she turned to see her guru behind.

Karna- What happened putri?
Dyuti- I don't know why Gurudev but I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen in Hastinapur.
Karna- What do you mean putri?
Dyuti- Meaning I feel dark clouds on the future of Aryavart.

Karna was deep in his thoughts that's when Dyuti requested him.

Dyuti- Gurudev please stay back in Anga and don't go to Hastinapur.
Karna- But how can I stay back here putri? Duryodhan have gifted this kingdom to me I am in debt to him.
Dyuti- Gurudev you are Parshuram shishya , Radhey Putra , Vijaya dhari , rashmi rathi Karna. You can win any kingdom you want.

That's when someone came there and said.

Parshu- You are right putri , Karna I will be asking you for your guru dakshina soon. Write a message that you can't come because I am staying in Anga or say that you'll take me to Hastinapur to be a spectator during the game of dice.

In Hastinapur ,
Shakuni , Duryodhan and Dushashan were discussing about the dyut sabha when they got a letter from Karna.

Dury- Read the letter rajadoot.


Pranam Mitra Duryodhan ,
I got your letter regarding the dyut sabha that has been arranged. I was also hoping to see you as we haven't seen each other since I started to train my son and my student.

But alas there is one issue , guru Parshuram has come to visit me and is going to be staying in Anga for some time.

If you want I can bring Gurudev to Hastinapur as a spectator for the Dyut Sabha. He will make sure that no injustice is done to you by the Pandavas and will also make sure the women of your family are safe.

Your dear Mitra ,

Shakuni gulped reading the last sentence. He didn't want to be the 22nd Kshatriya to be killed. Hence , he said.

Rajadoot- Please tell Angaraj that we will not be needing his presence. As his first priority should be to take care of his guru.

The same night the dyut was played and Karna was not present in the Sabha. But there was one change that took place. The final round had a bet , 12 years of Vanvas and 2 years of Agyaat vas.

In Dwarka , Vasudev and Balram vowed that Subhadra would not marry Duryodhan or any one present in the Sabha.

Rohini and Vasudev announced the svayamvar of Subhadra.

Authors note:-

Karna remarriage , yes or no?

Dyuti saved Karna , happy?

How was the chapter?

How's the boons dyuti got?

What guru dakshina will guru Parshuram ask from Karna?

What will Karna react?

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