12. Epilogue

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The punishment was over and Rudraksh the son of Dyuti and Vrishsena was born.

Dyuti and Vrishsena started to rule the kingdom of Ayodhya.

Aarav and Uttara started to rule to kingdom of Mithila. While Subhadra and Eklavya became the Rajpita and rajmata.

The Pandavas ruled Indraprastha while all the wife's stayed together.

Karna and Vrushali became the Rajmata and Rajpita of Anga while Vrishketu ruled Anga.

Duryodhan and Bhanumati became the Rajpita and Rajmata of Hastinapur while Lakshman ruled the kingdom.

Lakshmana had married Samb the son of Krishna and Jambhavati. While they meet most of the time and the bond with each other flourished.

Soon all had rested in peace while Dyuti merged with the soul of Pranshi the wife of Lord Kartikeya while Vrishsena merged with the soul of Lord Kartikeya.

Pranshi went and met her father , Varuna dev and she spent time with him as well.

That being said Karna became to gain fame as Karna : the guru.

Thankyou all for the support that you have given this story.

If you want a sequel of this story let me know I can try to make it.

I know the story was short but the story started during the end of the Mahabharata war hence it was short.

Thanks once again 🫶.

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