Ch 37 "Done With You"

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While Christian and Jeff were out, I told l Myranda and Mags everything. I tried to avoid telling Zy but she already was following a wrestling blog on Instagram and that's how she found out. She privately messaged me saying she had something to say. I told her if she mind holding it until I got back because I did not feel like arguing with her if I heard some stupid shit.

When Christian came back home from brunch and asked me if I wanted to see Randy that same day, that's when I ended up having second thoughts. I was like woah woah! Now I needed some time to prepare myself. Usually, my instincts were always right. If it was the wrong time to see him on the same day that I asked about him, I would've asked about seeing him some other time. Something told me to just Do it. It made sense. We were already about 30 minutes from the mental hospital he was staying in, I didn't sense any unsafe mess by him, and plus Christian was gonna be there. My flight back home to Florida was scheduled the next day in the afternoon anyways. It was the perfect time.

I got myself together, made sure nothing was on my face and made sure I had on some closed toed shoes cause yow! I had some ugly feet.

I asked him about Jeff and he said that left with his brother Matt to go see their dad who's been Ill lately. He added that they were gonna pick up his daughter, Heaven from her Grandma's house afterwards.

As far as how last night went, I was told that there was no option for a bond hearing on both ends. I typed Adam Copland on google and there it appeared, 2 WWE Super stars Adam "Edge" Copeland and Cody Rhodes arrested in Chesterfield, Missouri after a massive brawl at Top Golf. It was posted 30 minutes after I researched it. This proved why I never ever researched Edge especially Randy up online because I didn't want to come across no mess like that. Edge had to spend a month in jail.

Edge was so damn wrong for many things. He was dead wrong for telling me that story portraying Randy still being the bad guy when he wasn't and two, he knew I was suffering from PTSD but proceeded to act violent around me anyways.

This is why a lot of times, you can't strictly listen and go by what one someone says about someone else. You gotta see for yourself and It was best to know for myself of what Randy was really like.

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