Summer Slam Kickoff, Toronto, ON, Canada | August 11 2019
(Backstage)EDGE: So Randy, in 10 seconds in when I'm facing Elias, that's when you come out and back me up and we both spear him
RANDY: What about the RKO?
EDGE: Right after that!
"Aight," Randy agreed and shook his hand.
The crowd went bananas when Edge made his entrance.
While he was facing in front Elias, the whole Canadian crowd was going crazy over his return however, Edge was looking for Randy to show up but he never did.
Killem Wit Kindness | Randy Orton
Misteri / Thriller"I know he almost killed my father...but he's still the man of my dreams." At the time Melanie was only 2 , she was nurtured by rookie Randy Orton and Rated-R Super star Edge after being neglected in arenas constantly by her father, Booker T. The co...