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"I can't believe school starts again next week! We are going to be seniors!" Sarah screams, getting strange looks from some people near us.

"I know! We need to start looking for internships, and colleges, and..." I ramble on taking another bite of my frozen yogurt.

"Lucy, calm down. I think I have one of those things covered for us."

"Did you get me into Columbia? I swear I will love you forever if-"

"Lucy! Slow down!" Sarah cuts me off. "I didn't get you into college, but I did get us internships!"

"What?! Where?"

"The local Atlantic Records branch here in Nashville!"

"Wait, really?" I say in shock.

"Yes really! And may I add who works there? Hunter Hayes! Lucy, we could meet Hunter Hayes for real! Don't you love me?"

"Wow, um, when do we start?" Hunter. That will be interesting, yet really fun. I need to come up with a plan to surprise him.

"On Monday after school! And then we go on Friday too!" Of course its on Monday, also the day Hunter and I planned on me staying at his place for the night.

"Ok, I need to go shopping for some work clothes I guess so Ill see you then!"



The bell rings and right on cue Sarah runs up to me."Are you ready for our first day as interns?" She screeches hugging me.

"Definitely" I say more to myself than to Sarah. I am really excited to work in a place filled with music. The car ride there is uneventful. It mainly consists of Sarah screaming out Hunter Hayes music or in her words 'preparing her self for work.' We pull up to a large building with lots of people rushing in and out. As we walk up to the front desk, we pass by a woman talking on her cell phone saying how Ms. Swift needs a new something-or-other from so-and-so or else she will throw a fit.

"Can I help you young ladies?" The woman sitting at the front desk asks.

"My name is Sarah Delcot and this is Lucy Kallihan, we are here for our internship" Sarah tells the woman.

"Alright please wait one moment while I call your supervisor." She motions over to the benches where I sit and Sarah paces impatiently in front of me. "Sarah Delcot? Lucy Kallihan? My name is Mrs. Smithe, but you can call me Linda. I will be your supervisor, but I am mostly here to just get you started."

"Nice to meet you Linda." I hold out my hand for her to shake and Sarah does the same.

"Ok, lets start the tour!" Linda says energetically.


"This is so exciting!" Sarah whispers to me. After our tour finished we were told the majority of our job would be getting coffee for people and basically just doing whatever the real employees needed done. I never got around to telling Hunter that I got an internship here, so i'll just have to tell him if I run into him today.

"We are literally just filling up cups of coffee" I laugh.

"But we are bringing it into an important meeting where who knows what people in it!"

When we finish pouring twelve cups of coffee into paper cups we load them on to a tray which Sarah holds because Sarah says I am the 'designated door holder,' which I am fine with.

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