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"Hey babe!" Hunter stands up from the love seat in his office and motions me inside. "We should probably close the blinds on the door just to make sure no one sees anything" he says pulling the strings of the blinds.

"Now, about that makeout session you promised me?" I say draping my arms around Hunter's neck.

"Hm," he replies pressing his lips softly against my neck, then my jaw. I let out a soft moan, hoping he doesn't hear it, but I can tell he does when he kisses my lips roughly. We stumble backwards so I am presses against the wall. Our lips know exactly what to do to please each other. His tongue slips into my mouth as he moves his hands up my shirt. Hunter works at unbuttoning my blouse as my fingertips run through his dirty-blonde hair, pulling his body closer to mine. I move my hands down to the zipper of his jeans, fumbling with the button.

"Lucy-" Hunter half warns half moans.

"Were not having sex... right now" I say as his jeans fall to the floor.

"Then what-"

"Shh" I silence him by crashing my lips to his. As if reading my mind, Hunter pulls his shirt off so he is just left in his boxers. I bring my hand downward and play with the hem of his boxers, then move my hand downward to touch him painfully slowly.

"Stop teasing" Hunter says, out of breath.

His head falls backward in lust as he groans with pleasure.

"Lucy I'm about-"

Knock Knock

"Shoot" he murmurs grabbing his jeans from the floor. "Yes? Who is it?"

"Its Carrie! Surprise!" The door swings open to reveal a very shocked Carrie Underwood. Hunter is still struggling to get his jeans back on while I am buttoning my shirt up.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry."

"Hey Carrie, would you mind closing the door?" Hunter asks pulling her inside the office and wrapping a sweatshirt around his hips to hide the obvious arch in his pants. "Um, Carrie, this is my uh, friend Lucy, Lucy this is-"

"Carrie Underwood. I'm a big fan!" I say running my fingers through my disheveled hair.

"Uh, so Carrie, what did you want to tell me?" Hunter says slipping his shirt back on.

"I can go if you guys have stuff to do" I say awkwardly.

"No, no, stay. I was the one who barged in. This will only take a minute" Carrie adds. "I was just wondering the set list for next month because I missed the meeting?"

"Next month?"

"Yeah, we start touring again. Hunter and I are going to Europe!"

"Europe, wow." How could Hunter not tell me about going to Europe next month?

"You didn't know?" Carrie asks seeming confused.

"No, I didn't. But that sounds great." I say trying to hide my disappointment. "I should get going, Sarah is probably wondering where I am."

"Lucy, I was going to-" Hunter starts.

"Ill see you tonight, ok?" I say quietly, opening the door. "It was nice meeting you Carrie." I walk out the door leaving it open behind me. I feel a mixture of confusion, sadness, and anger that he didn't tell me. I just don't get it.

I walk back into the room where Sarah is in still listening to demos.

"What took you so long?" Sarah asks?

"Oh, um, I spilled one of the trays all over the break room so I had to clean that up and deliver coffee to two other meetings" I lie.

"Oh, that sucks. Do you want to grab dinner? Its 6:45 and work is over right about now" Sarah suggests.

"As much as I want to, I have plans."

"Plans on a school night?"

"Today was just orientation, it's not like we have homework."

"True. So, who is the guy?"


"Who is the guy you are hooking up with tonight?"

"Oh, its that same guy from a few weeks ago."

"How many times have you hooked up with him?"

"Four? I think."

"Do you actually have feelings for this guy?"

After thinking for a minute I respond. "Yeah, I- I do. I'm kind of pissed at him right now, but I really care about him."

"So, when do I get to meet him?" Sarah nudges.

"Never" I laugh but I am serious at the same time.

"I will find out who Mr. Mystery is Lucy, don't underestimate me."


Before I get out of my car to go into Hunter's apartment building, I pull a large gray sweatshirt over my head to try and conceal my figure. As I walk up to the door, I hear some paparazzi talking about if Hunter's secret lover is. Not one of them look twice at me, thank god.

I look at the number that Hunter texted me earlier and make my way up to the eighth floor.

I knock on the door a few times until Hunter opens the door and ushers me inside.

"So this is it" Hunter says as I look around the small studio apartment.

"Its nice!" I say as I put my overnight bag down next to the bed.

"Okay Lucy, can we please talk about what happened this afternoon?"

"Which part? The one where you were moaning my name in your office?" I smirk, Hunter's face turning bright pink.

"No Lucy, even though that was great, I am talking about Europe."

"Do you want the truth? I'm hurt that you didn't tell me. I honestly thought I was more than just a meaningless hookup to you that you leave behind and not talk to ever again."

"Lucy, thats obviously not what this is" Hunter says reaching over to touch my arm but I take a step backward.

"Then why did you not tell me?!"

"It just didn't come up! Ok?"

"Were you even going to tell me? Were you going to wait till you left and then call me and say 'By the way, i'm in Europe! See you in six months' and expect me to still come crawling back to you when you come home?! I don't get why you are lying to me! I just want the fucking truth!" I yell.

"I don't want to lose you! Okay?!"

"What are you talking about?!" I say more confused now.

"Lucy I- I"

"You what Hunter?!"

"I'm in love with you! Okay?!" He screams tears rolling down his cheeks. This was not supposed to happen. We weren't supposed to fall in love. I can't do this.

"No," I murmur under my breath taking a step away from Hunter.

"Lucy please-"

"This is too much for me Hunter."

"You can't tell me that you don't feel anything between us. That this, us, doesn't mean anything to you."


"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for me."

"Don't make me do this."

"Lucy, please" Hunter begs.

"I have to go."


"Have fun on your tour Hunter." And with that I grab my bag and shut the apartment door behind me. Luckily the paparazzi have faded when I make my way out of the building.

As soon as I get in my car I break down in sobs. I don't do relationships and love, but most of all long distance, which is what would happen if I told Hunter my true feelings. We would have a month of being in a real relationship before he's shipped off to Europe for who knows how long. I did the right thing. It sucks right now, but it will be better in the long run.... hopefully.

Secret Love (Hunter Hayes)Where stories live. Discover now