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"Okay, time to go." I say getting off of Hunter's lap after Sarah leaves.

"What?" He says in a confused tone.

"You are leaving now."

"No, I know what you said, I'm just confused. I thought you liked me."

"Nope. Not at all. Just so you know, I still think you are just some stuck up douche bag who is trying to get in my pants."

"Then what was that?" he motions backward, trying to get an explanation for what we were just doing.

"Just go Hunter" I open the door motioning for him to leave.

"So that's just it? I'll never see you again?" he asks.

"Goodbye Hunter Hayes." I watch him walk out my front door, me feeling a little bit upset about him leaving even though I don't know why.

"Just call or text me if you need anything" he says quietly handing me a piece of paper. And with that, he is gone.





"Hey, do you want to come over now?" I say to Sarah over the phone. It's been two days since Hunter and I hooked up.

"Yeah, I have some news to show you also, so be ready! I'll be over in five" Sarah responds. I hear the doorbell ring a few minutes later, and I open the door to see Sarah standing there with her laptop and a few magazines. We go up to my room and sit on my bed.

"So, what's the big news?" I ask Sarah.

"Just look." She pulls up a few websites on laptop and flips to a page in one of her magazines. There are pictures everywhere of a blonde boy making out with a girl with auburn hair in a bun. It takes me a moment to realize that it's Hunter and I. You can't see my face at all because the picture is blurry, but Hunter's face is clear as day. Does Sarah know that that was me? Sarah watches me examine the pictures. "Hunter Hayes has a girlfriend here in Nashville!"

"What?" i say, still very confused about all of this. Well that does answer my question about Sarah knowing. She obviously doesn't recognize me. But has Hunter seen these pictures?

"We need to find out who she is!"

"Are we even sure they are dating?"

"God, Lucy, you're slow to catch on. Of course they are dating."

"I don't think this is a good idea." Even though I still don't like Hunter, I don't want either of us getting hurt over this.

"C'mon! It will be fun." I need to talk to Hunter

"I'll think about it."




"Hello?" I hear a voice on the other end of line say.

"We need to talk," I say urgently.

"I'm guessing you saw the pictures?"

"Meet me at my house tomorrow morning for coffee?"

"Of course."

"See you then."

"Bye Lucy."

Secret Love (Hunter Hayes)Where stories live. Discover now