Chapter 1

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Quick A/N:
This story takes place after The Neptune Challenge. The release date has not been set for the third book, so I am hoping on writing this until that comes out, and hopefully I will finish this one unlike the last one. Summer is almost here so I will have plenty of time to write, but I'll still need ideas so please comment. Ok I'll shut up

Chapter 1

:You up yet?: A familiar voice reaches out to me, waking me from my slumber.

:I am now.: I tell Dai mentally, quickly waking myself up. I have to be ready in case there's a problem. :Is something wrong?:

:Nah. I just wanted to make sure that my voice was the first thing you heard this morning.:

I roll my eyes and groan, even though I know he can't see me. I'm glad Dai is so comfortable and laid-back here at Safety Harbor, sharing the same home as me. I missed him for so long; it's weird to think that now he's less than half a mile away from me in the boy's sleeping cave. I realize I had even missed his sarcasm and jokes, even at 4:00 in the morning.

Dai doesn't need much sleep because he's part shark, thanks to his freaky scientist father who tried to create the "perfect humanoid" to live under the sea.

:Sorry for waking you,: I hear him laugh mentally. :The sleeping schedules are so pointless.:

:It's fine. I'm awake now and I won't be able to fall back asleep. Wanna go do something?:

:I thought you'd never ask.:

:Ok. I'll meet you in front of the mess cave in a few minutes.:

I break off connection with Dai, and untie myself from my hammock as quietly as possible, trying not to disturb Bria, Lena, or any of the other Neptune girls that I share my sleeping cave space with. I can't help smiling as I swim by Sunny, seeing that even now, she's glowing faintly.

:You're up early, Nere.:

Shadow materializes beside me as I swim out of the cave. I can't help but jump a little. I'm never going to get used to her popping up beside me at the most random moments. Her octopus genes that have been spliced into her thanks to Dai's father give her camouflage ability. She also doesn't need much rest.

:Hey Shadow.:

I send her a friendly smile, but then yawn. I wish I was more like her and Dai and didn't need to sleep for longer than an hour or two. :I'm just going out with Dai for a little while. We'll be back before breakfast.:

She sends me a smirk. :You're leaving at 4:00 in the morning?:

I just shrug.

:You guys have a weird relationship.:

She disappears before I can open my mouth to lie and say that are relationship is just a friendly one. We've only been back for two weeks, but everyone already knows that our relationship is a whole lot more than that.

And it's driving us both crazy.

:Are you coming?: I hear him ask as I start swimming towards the mess cave again.

:Don't keep her out too late, Dai.: Shadow jokes, not giving me the chance to reply.

Dai doesn't say anything, but I think I sense a little bit of embarrassment coming from him. My cheeks turn red. When Dai gets embarrassed, it means that he was actually going to be genuine and serious, instead of his normal, sarcastic self. He also doesn't really like other people knowing about what he's doing. I can tell that Shadow's making him uncomfortable, so I silently plead that she'll stop talking and go back to bed or something. For all I know, she could be following me as I swim to Dai right now. I look over my shoulder before remembering she's invisible.

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