Chapter 15 + Announcement!

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Quick A/N
I don't know about you guys but I'm loving the new cover I made in journalism today :) Please read until the end of this chapter and then the other author's note because I have a question to ask you guys!

The next few minutes pass like years.

Dad begins to pace his cabin, not knowing what else to do while we wait. I braid and unbraid my hair over and over again until it's more like a blond nest than hair. One of my friends will have to fix it for me later. I have to run back to the water twice to calm my unsteady breathing. The air is getting dryer and scratchier by the minute, but I must stay here with my father. All of my earlier depression is gone.

Here I am in the moment again.

Finally, the door opens.

At first, everything seems to move in



A tall, thin girl with high cheek bones, small lips, and stringy, shoulder-length brown hair steps into the cabin first. She has a long white scar stretching from her hairline down to her neck that disappears under the seam of her faded green shirt. Though she appears disheveled and tired, something about her screams confidence and power.

Someone to look up to.

And, looking past the rings under her tired, swollen gray eyes, I see fight.

This girl is a warrior.

"You are Mr. Mark Hanson, correct?" The girl asks, the ends of her words slightly lifted. My father nods. She nods back, taking a step further into the room.

Two boys, definitely older than me, accompany her. The shorter of the two has a black eye so puffy I highly doubt he can see out of it. His blond hair falls to his shoulders and is in desperate need of a trim.

The last boy is looking at me before I'm looking at him, and he almost makes me








His face is unshaven and scratched up. Though it has only been a few months, he looks years older.

He is almost unfamiliar. But he's still there. He's always been there.

One look into those brown eyes tells me all I need to know.

"You're Cam," I whisper. I don't know why, but it's weird. I know him. He knows me. It should be the most


thing in the world.

The older boy nods slowly.

Then the tears are flowing again and he's pulled me into his arms and I don't even know what to feel but for the first time since I've lived in the ocean I know how to


"Robry! Where's Robry?" Cam asks me once I get over the initial shock of seeing my best friend again.

"I'll get him," I respond.



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