Chapter 5

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Dai's words replay in my mind over and over again throughout dinner. I sit in silence and stab my food with my fingers while the others shoot me disbelieving glances every so often.

They continue talking, but none of their words register in my mind. I really, really hope the topic has changed. Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I really hate Dai right now. Maybe Ree was right.

Can this get any worse?! I want to scream.

Challenge accepted. Fate sneers.

:Nere,: Penn pokes my side. :It's your father.:

I look up and peer around the cave quickly, praying that it's not true. Sure enough, there he is, floating in the middle of the cave in his scuba gear and looking right at our table

No, no, no!

"Can I have everyone's attention please," My father begins, using his special underwater speaking device to talk to us. The cave goes silent and everyone turns to look at him. My heart skips a beat.

No, Dad, please not in front of all these people. Not in front of all my friends.

"Lately I have become aware that many of you have questions about dating in the Colony," My father begins, addressing everyone.

I actually wince when more than half of the kids in the cave turn to look at me and Dai.

"As you all know, the ultimate goal of the Neptune Project is to create a better world under the sea. That is why all of you were created," At this he spreads his hands apart and motions to all of us. "And of course, to continue the Neptune Project, the current Neptune children, which is all of you, must... reproduce."

Silence. Everyone is too embarrassed to speak. My dad continues, filling up the awkward silence with even more awkward words.

"The Neptune Project must continue to grow and expand. There must be more generations. And to do this, we need the help our current Neptune kids, which, as you know, is all of you. And this is an awkward and unprofessional-sounding request, but we need you all to... reproduce.
Now, we're not going to set any of you up or anything. We will let you guys pick your husbands and wives on your own."

I'm really glad he didn't say mates, like we're some kind of animal in a experiment. Even though we kind of are.

"And we completely understand if some of you wish not to marry or have children at all. I want you all to know that dating is encouraged. If anyone wishes to get married, they can come and speak to me personally about that. We have a plan for couples who wish to start their own lives together. But no one younger than seventeen can get married, and there are a few other rules and requirements as well."

I breathe out a sigh of relief. There will be no pressure for me to get married any time soon. I'm safe for about three years. I have no interest in getting married until I'm at least twenty.

"But I must make myself clear," My father's voice deepens and slows down. He only does that when he's really, really serious. "No one can have a relationship with anyone back on land. If you are still in love with a person on land, I suggest you do whatever you can to quell any romantic feelings you have for them. Start a relationship with someone here in Safety Harbor. There will be harsh consequences for dating someone on land. There is a very slim chance that any offspring you create with someone on land will survive. I know none of you would want to watch your children die. It's a terrible feeling, giving birth to a child and growing to love them when you're not even sure if they'll live past their first birthday. My wife and I had this fear when we altered the genes of our two children."

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