Chapter 10

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Wow, two chapters in one day after 6 months of nothing? Crazy.

The dolphins race off to go find Dai. Their job is to lead him here, where we are waiting to surprise him.

:I dunno, where are you?: I reply,
trying to sound as innocent as possible, which I'm sure I'm failing horribly at.

:That was sporadically out of character,: Dai replies shortly, sounding confused and slightly... intrigued?

:Sorry,: I reply cheerfully. :I'm just in a good mood.: Dai doesn't reply. I notice he's lost his cheeriness from this morning. I raise my mental shields in case he's trying to pry my mind for information and find out what I'm hiding.

:So, where are you?: I ask him again.

:Pretty sure I asked you first.:

:You did? I don't think you did...:

This is so unlike me. I'm positive he's not buying it.

:Just finished teaching a class,: He responds. :I'm down by the mess cave.:

That's what it is- he sounds stressed.

:Mariah, Sokya, Densil,: I reach out, calling the dolphins. :Hes by the mess cave. Bring him here. And take him past the corals and tall rocks. I think he'll like that.:

:We go!: Sokya replies.

:Nere, the dolphins are here, and they're acting wild... well, more wild then normal. What's going on?: Dai asks, contacting me again.

:Just follow them,: I reply.

:Is he coming?: Kalli asks me, swimming to my side.

:Hold on, the dolphins just found him,: I reply.

:Is this about...: Dai trails off for a minute, but then comes back in with his "la la la" song from this morning.

:I have no idea what you are talking about,: I say, proud of myself for being able to keep the excitement and emotion from my voice. Then I end the connection.

A few minutes later, Dai races into the clearing, being towed by Densil and Sokya. He lets go of their fins as soon as they reach the cleared spot.

:What's this?: Dai asks, raining his eyebrows and looking right at me. He seems to be unaware of anyone else in the reef.

:1...2...3...: I lead the group, then we all begin to sing telepathically.

:Happy birthing day to you, happy birthing day to you, happy birthing day to Dai! Happy birthing day to you!: We all cheer as we finish the song, and Dai's eyes light up with a childish joy I've never seen in him before.

:Happy b-day, Ice-man," Rad says, swimming over to his friend and placing his arm around his shoulders. He places a hand on Dai's bicep and suddenly there's a spark.

:RAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?: Ree screams mentally.

:Relax, it was just a little birthday shock. Some extra power to get him through the year,: Rad laughs, and Dai smiles, rolling his eyes. He jokingly pushes Rad away from him and rubs his left shoulder, but he appears to be fine overall.

:Still haven't grown out of that yet, man?: Dai sends Rad a accusing look, but the glimmer of mischief in his dark eyes tells me he's just joking.

:Rad gives each of us birthing day shocks every year,: Sunny swims to my side, an annoyed expression crossing her face. :It's his "gift" to each of us. A little shock of energy. He's just so funny, isn't he?: She rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips, making me laugh.

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