Chapter 4

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The rumors started at dinner. Well, at least, that's when I hear them for the first time.

:Nere!: Kalli swims up to me, swift as a shark, as I enter the mess cave. Shadow follows her at a safe distance. I know something's up when I notice that her usually expressionless face is teetering dangerously close to a smile.

I'm one of the last to enter because I was finishing up a class with a boy named Teddi, and it went a bit longer than expected because he was determined to let Mona tow him longer than three yards.

:Did you hear what your stupid boyfriend did?: Shadow asks, and I hear the strain and cracks in her mental voice as she forces herself to keep it emotionless. For a second she lets her strong mental walls down, and I can tell that she's about to burst from excitement.

:Boyfriend?: I ask, confused. Could she possibly be talking about... Dai?

:Don't play stupid!: Kalli exclaims, grabbing my shoulders. :Has he actually asked you out yet?:

:What are you talking about?: My anger is making my mental voice rise, and I have to fight to keep it steady. I am not going to let myself lose it right now.

:Ice said...: Shadow starts, and the smile she's been hiding finally blossoms on her pale face. She practically starts glowing from excitement. I've never seen her so happy before... She really looks... pretty. :Ice went up and talked to your father... asking for his permission to date you.:

:It was so sweet! I can't believe he did that!: Kalli beams. :My boyfriend back at home never did anything like that. He was terrified of my father.:

:You had a boyfriend, Kalli?: I ask her, surprised.

She frowns. :Why do you look so shocked?:

:I dunno. You've just... never mentioned anything about him before.:

She smiles. :I'll tell you later.:

:So about this thing with Dai...: I continue to question her. It's so, so stupid. We're both so busy with teaching classes and sometimes taking classes, and there's always the constant threat of danger from sharks and the Marine Guard. Dating anyone is probably the least of my concerns right now. It would also give him more excuses to cancel my classes to come and annoy me.

Plus, how do you even date someone underwater?

Suddenly I feel someone grab my arm and find myself being dragged back outside the cave.

:Ree?: I ask her. :Is something wrong?:

:You idiota!: She yells at me mentally on a private send. :I keep telling you to be careful with him! And now suddenly you two are a pareja?!:

:But we're n-:

:Don't lie, chica! Ice already told us everything.:

My eyes widen. What exactly did Dai tell them that makes everyone think we're dating? And did he really go up and talk to my dad for something as stupid as getting his permission to date me?

I bite my tongue hard when a part of me starts hoping that Dad said ok.

Ree backs me up against the stone wall outside the the cave and starts yelling at me in Spanish. She's furious, but I have no idea why.

:Ree, seriously, I have no idea what's going on!: I yell back at her. :And why do you care so much anyway?:

The older girl takes a deep breath, and I can tell she's trying to calm herself down. Ree looks strong and almost frightening floating there in front of me. Her dark eyes are narrowed, her lips are curled into a snarl, and her long, dark braids float all around her. They almost look like eels. She closes her eyes and waits ten seconds before opening them again. :I care because you're like a little sister to me. But I also see you as my mother.:

:What do you mean?:

:You've always been my boss, and I look up to you and respect you. You've taken care of us and provided for us and risked your life for us over and over again. I don't understand how someone can care about people the way you do. You look out for each one of us individually, like we're your own children. You let Penn stay with us after the incident with the Marine Guards and Kyel's death, you took the blame for me and Kalli when I set off that alarm back at Atlantea even though it got you locked up in a closet for two days, you put yourself in danger so the rest of us could escape from Atlantea, and you saved me from that fishing net even though I had been so mean to you. If it had been Kyel or anyone else, they would have left me there to die, but you saved me, even though you could have died in the process. And I had been a total jerk to you.:

:I gained a valuable friend. And I like to think that you would have done the same for me.:

:But that's the thing!: Ree exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air, :I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have cared if you died, because I just thought that you were weird. I would have left you there, just like anyone else would have.:

:Well thanks...: I murmur, trying not to sound as offended as I really am. Ree continues anyway.

:You looked out for me so much, I felt like I owed you. I wanted to take care of you and help you, even though I knew I could never fully repay you for saving my life as many times as you did. If Kyel or anyone else was still our leader, I would be long dead. Everyone in this group would be. You're the one thing that's kept us all together this whole time. The one who made us become a family. And that's why you're like a little sister to me,: She sighs and backs away, completing her rant.

We stand there silently, staring at each other, and I realize how valuable the friends I've made here really are. These are the kinds of bonds that will last forever.

And all you have to do to earn them is cut someone out of a fishing net.

:I've had my heart broken before, Mi Amiga, and trust me, the feeling will drive you to the brink of insanity and a little bit past that.:

I wonder if she's thinking about Kyel as she says this, or a guy back in one of her gangs she ran with back on land.

:I don't want you to end up feeling as lost as I did. As soon as you give Dai, you'll heart, he'll shatter it. But if you give it to Tobin, he'll care for it and nurture it, and will do anything to keep and protect it. He's definitely more of your type, and you guys are perfect for each other. Listen to me, Nere, Dai is dangerous.:

I shake my head, refusing to believe what she's saying.

:I think we should go back to dinner now. They're probably wondering where we are...: I mutter, feeling uncomfortable.

:Ok.: She says, sounding equally uncomfortable, and starts swimming back to the mess cave. :S-sorry,: She adds awkwardly before darting back to our table quicker than Sokya chasing an octopus.

:Nere, you're finally here!: Dai stands up and makes a big show of pointing out my arrival as I swim back over to our table. I feel my cheeks go bright red. He knows how much I hate being the center of attention. What is he even doing?

:I saved a seat for you right next to me,: He smiles and motions for me to sit down in the chair on his right, which is also next to Penn. I do, awkwardly, wishing that I was anywhere else but here. All of our friends are laughing so hard that I think they might fall out of their seats, except for Ree, who's staring at Dai angrily. Tobin, who's sitting beside Ree, smiles a little, but he's not nearly amused as the rest of the group. I wonder if he's been talking to Ree, too.

:So are you guys actually dating?: Sunny asks, but Dai is suddenly very interested in the pieces of salmon in front of him. I roll my eyes. So he starts all these rumors and then doesn't even admit that they're real? Or in this case, fake?

:Did you really talk to Mr. Hanson?: Robry looks at him disbelievingly. Lena and Ocho both shoot me a confused look.

Dai just shrugs. :Yeah. We had a nice chat earlier.:

:Really? Is this necessary?: I ask him on a private send, and he winks at me.

He's been so much more relaxed at Safety Harbor than at Atlantea or anywhere else. Sometimes that's good, but sometimes, like right now, I think he might be a bit too relaxed.
:Of course it's necessary,: He laughs, the smirk returning. :I have to make you feel as uncomfortable as you possibly can before I finally ask you out.:

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