Entry 4

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Dearest Doctor,

Rose went on her first real adventure with us today. We visited the planet Valora, home of the Vinnians, and spoke with the some of the locals there.

Have you ever tried the fruit there? It's very sour; I wouldn't advise trying it. We had to run all the way across town to find something that wasn't sour to drink. That's probably the most danger we got into: avoiding running into frustrated Vinnians.

Our trip probably wasn't nearly as dangerous as the adventures you make (according to Rose), but she definitely enjoyed it. She especially enjoyed the lack of running. Sorry if that offends you in any way.

Kaster and Freya stayed behind in the TARDIS. The two get along quite nicely, now that I think of it. They have this sisterly bond, almost like the bond you and Koschei had. Sure, they argue sometimes (okay, a lot of times), but they mean well.

Koschei. Oh my Gallifrey, I miss that boy. I don't think I've said it before, but I loved him like a brother. Heck, he was more than a brother to me. Not like a boyfriend or anything, but like an extremely close sibling sort of bond.

I wish I could've been there, when he died. A part of me feels I could have stopped it from happening, even if it was just being there that did so.

I almost can't believe it. Koschei, my insanely wonderful childhood friend, and he's gone, forever. No more detentions after class, no more skipping class, no more chats in the hallways. No more anything.

If you're there, Thete, could you give me a sign? As much as I try to hide it, as much as I try to cover it up, I can't help but wish that you were here beside me. But we can't always get what we want, eh?

With all my love,

Runana, The Poet

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