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within the walls of an abandoned city where a young boy around the age of 11-14 is treading along the derelict streets of a long abandoned city district where he is looking around for scraps to make ends meet to survive out here in this concrete jungle...

Dex: another car battery...i can't sell it's empty! come on dex, you're better than this!

...he discarded the rusty old car battery, and threw it off to the side, continuing on his trek in the abandoned shopping district where he parked his trolley right next to a concrete formation that looked to be in the form of a bench that used to be sat on by so many people, inside of a mall that used to see some better days...

dex: hmmm...i wonder...

...he looked at the list of parts to sell before going back to a certain scrap shop that buys and sells spare parts that dex can carry in his little trolley so he can make a living despite the poor living conditions that he is in in the slums where he currently lives in ...

dex: hmmm...i'm just about a few more parts short around here...

...he scratched off a few parts that he has collected from the usual dat-to-day hustle that he goes around in his live exploring the old overtaken parts of the city...before the monsters came...

dex: alright, i got a couple of fresh intact batteries, a couple of small motorcycle engines...and other stuff i can't get...

...he sat there in the center of the destroyed city looking for the best salvageable parts...

dex: h-huh?

...he looked down at his list to where he was quite quickly to spot that something was dripping some liquid on his piece of paper that was holding his list of spare parts to salvage in order to sell... he then looked up to see what the source of it...

dex: w-wah!

... now ut of sheer fright the boy who is scavenging the remains of the best parts of the local machines is now greeted with a creature of some kind, it has red skin, no visible eyes, and many appendages, as it screeched upon hiding dex in his little place that he is resting in...

dex: b-beta!? what are they going in here!?

...the boy quickly gripped onto his trolley as he attempt his escape...

elsewhere, ??? location, ??? pov:

in a kind of command bunker, there are the usual bridge bunnies, the commanding officer as per usual, with the said commaning officer demanding a report...

???: report, hwat is going on?

bridge bunny: there is a large concentration of betal in this sector...

???: what?...but that sector is sanctioned for rehabilitation...

???: but that doesn't excuse the fact that there is a slim chance that the beta might attack again...

???: so should we go send in the TSFs?

???: please do...we don't want to risk a major economic emergency for the i will most likely send in the argos test flight...

???: them? why is that?

???: they are closest ones that can resch the area...

???: yes ma'am! she went off to scramble the argos test flight, whatever that is...

dex pov, abandoned city:

now running away from the beta, with several white blurs grabbing onto his trolley with all of the spar parts that he worked so hard to salvage for so hard, only to value his life more, rather than waste his time than to go bac for it and to get himself killed from the sight of the creatures wholes shrieks can be heard from behind he only tripped over to then see what is treading over in between the skyscrapers... 

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