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with the gundam that is known by the namesake of a roman or greek god of medicine, is now able to break on through to meet up with the shogun's royal guards, trying to avoid the all on out assault with th PX-system now disabled out of the need to prevent making an enemy out of them...

dexe: i'm not your enemy! i swear!...i'm just here to help you in escorting you and delivering something to you!

???: tempt me!

...he quickly transformed the aesculapius to dodge out of the way of the takemikazuchi's attacks with the thrusters that are able to dodge and weave out of the way of the machines that the japanese royal guards are piloting in the middle of the height of the coup...where the gundam and as well as it's own pilot is unable to process on how to go about to resolve this or to retreat...

dexe; please! i'm not you're enemy!...i was just told you deliver this box to you!

...and now finally the colossal frame of the gundam as finally tripped over a rock out of the young boy's own distraction out of the need to not get his by the Japanese royal guards, as he made the attempted efforts to  turn around on the ground only to see the torso of the mobile suit is now being at the mercy of the blades of one of the said royal guards who pilots the takemikazuchis...and for the first time, dexe is now scared out of his entire mind, as they now demand that he exit and leave the safety of his own mobile suit...

???: this is the shogun's royal guard...exit your TSF at once!...or we will have you excecuted for an illegal theft of a TSF!

...she strictly ordered for him to leave the gundam, and as for dexe he prays that the stuff that his adoptive mother told him is right that they won't kill him...and now this is where he closed his eyes as the cockpit hatch opened up to let them get to him...

???: hey, that was easy...

???: and gotta admit those claw and arms work?

???: now i really wanna pilot one of these!

...the two takemikazuchi pilots looked at each other and wondered at how intricate that the construction and the scratches that they were only able to inflict on the outside of the frame's near indestructible metal alloy from a yet to be named the same time the cockpit opened up from the lower abdomen instead of the chest making it's design being more complicated, when one of them started to trying on ask about on why is has two eyes and a rather human-looking "face"...where of them soon walked out of one of the takemikazuchis to confront the pilot...


...and the sight of who might be the one that they could be expecting put her off for words, at what she is seeing in front of her, with her seeing the name of the machine, and a boy sitting and holding onto the controls as if he is glued to them from the start...

???: a kid?...what is a little kid doing inside of a TSF cockpit...

...she stared into dexe's soul as if being a member of the shogun's own royal guards isn't any much worse than it is for him to worry about, with the gundam's arms and legs are now being subdued thanks to their joint efforts of the machines that are said to be almost just as powerful as a gundam if they has the resources from the start...

dexe; a-are you...going to kill me?

...he asked out for her to mark her intention, where he blocked the attack with the two claws that were swift on it's feet and using it's immense unknown type of armor alloy doing the rest...

dexe: please! i'm here just to deliver something to the shogun herself! 

... he backhanded and parried the two takamikazuchis, as he just stood there, and opened up with his own intention all in the parts of him falling over his head, to the hopes that they won't destroy the thing that he has spent fighting through an entire coup, saving a whole bunch of japanese politicians, and holding his ground against the second in command of the ringleader of the coup...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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