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now finishing off the other six TSFs and their respective pilots, as dexe renuo-kozuki is now finding himself in a hard spot fighting off against a gekishin wielding a large shield... 

coup pilot: die monster!

...dexe instintually dodged it in time with him  beeing quick to immobilize it since he is running low on time, as he has to hurry up and to save the parliament building, and more importantly the the shogun herself, whoever may that be... as he is finding himself in a joust to determine that choice...

 dexe; i-i'm so really sorry!

...he reminds himself that he is a human being stuck inside of this machine as he went along to slice off the legs of the gekishin instead of killing it on sight as his adoptive mother has told him to so so, aa he is acting with his own free will, by sparing whoever that he boosts away, transforming back into the  close-quarters mode to traverse the waters all the way to the parliament the sole survivor watched it leave, swearing revenge...

coup pilot: i swear! i'll get you you Oni-murasaki ... she sulks the remains of her TSF, as the thing that defeated her in the middle of the port of the tokyo waterways, letting the strange and elusive unit to get away...


after taking the waterway to the closest known route, where the gundam itself is using the sewers when the route diverted from the waterways, as he is shocked to see it, the Japanese waterways being BIG, as in it can house mobile suits, as the gundam itself is pretty much small enough to house itself in here...

dexe: this is how the military sneak their TSFs, huh?

...he made the now amphibious mobile suit to run right on through to the  sewers, with him racing across the clock to save the politicians in time...

dexe: there's no time-...oh wait, i know!..

...he looked down to see the switch to see the PX system still there, most likely yuuko loved to see it being used, despite being a danger to his physical health, but this being a real emergency, where he flipped on the PX system, as the whole gundam begins to glow brightly, as it's speed begins to increase, and now the gundam is racing within the sewers...all according to yuuko kozuki's own plan to make the excuse to use the gundam more often...


in her office, with dexe listening to what his adopted mother has to plan for him to do on the mission with aesculapius...

yuuko: well...after you finished on this point over here on the map, and then you'll have to go through the sewers, and hopefully those rebels won't kill anyone over inside the parliament building, and there you will meet up with the valkyries who will back you up after you shake them up a bit!

dexe: oh...i guess you're right...

...then she followed up on the importance of the mission and the sustenance of the Alternative plans counting form one to five, and not to even mention the bonus one to recreate a gundam and make it a new messiah-like TSF unit...the Alternative-G project plan...

dexe: i think i can work with that...but is making me a child soldier really nessesary?

yuuko: well...i was seeing how your pretty togh for a kid your age, and plus i'm also training you to get a job if you grew up, so you wanna be a doctor right?...and then you will have to find your way to kyoto where yuo'll meet up with the royal guards of the shogun...

...she glanced at her adopted son who is now a child soldier, knowing that he really has totally nothing to do with the rest of his life aside from die on the streets, as a scrap-metal scavenger...

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