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now looking at the very thing that has appeared right in front of them, as if something quite legendary had been proven to be real...

???: wh-what is that thing!? is it the same machine that we were just escorting right now?

???: it's colors...there's no doubt about it...but what is that pilot doing in there...

...they were both left speechless after seeing for the first time, the machine standing there on top of broken-off parts of rubble, where they now looked on at what the machine's next possible moves...

???: what is it waiting for...

???: i hope that it has something that can at least see and wait...whoever is inside of that machine...

...the forte-class BETA  now is slowly but surely approaching the newly discovered machine, with its pilot now shaking from the inside...

dexe: this is alright...I'm still alive, this is the least I could do here...but for now, we'll have to call for reinforcements and see if the pilot of that machine now is able to keep up... 

...his eyes now are trying their best to adapt to the new configuration as the machine's heads-up display is now trying to see what he can do in there...

dexe: let's see here...huh? accelerated rifles? ...that can work-...wait...PX-system?

...on the outside, the two remaining TSF pilots are looking at the purple and grey machine as it picks up a pair of two rifles that were hidden inside a pair of hidden compartments, where the machine now wielded both in its two hands where the BETA made its move with its stinger tail now extended outwards with the intent to impale the machine...

dexe: oh no you don't! the machine's thruster's now is activated which dexe is able to do once after he figured out how that works, with him finding himself blasting off for the first time, with the beast's spear-like tip now shot out of where it is being held, as it now attacked the strange machine...

as it now is able to dodge out of the way of the attack patterns of the forte-class BETA, with dexe only moving the controls completely random, with almost blinding speeds that the pilots are unable to catch up with the gargantuan BETA now is gett...

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. it now is able to dodge out of the way of the attack patterns of the forte-class BETA, with dexe only moving the controls completely random, with almost blinding speeds that the pilots are unable to catch up with the gargantuan BETA now is getting itself shot at from various points from the front...

???: i-it's taking out the BETA with those strange rifles!?

???: it doesn't look a bit like any kind of weapon I've seen when I was deployed...but-

???: those attacks... th-they look like...lasers!?

???: then that explains the noise...then we're experiencing a powerful machine found underneath the abandoned train station...

...the machine that the boy has called by the name of GUNDAM, is now speeding across the confined battlefield with the structure on the legs still able to stand even though the accelerated rifles can finally put a direct dent in the main body of the BETA, but not on the legs of the giant of a creature... 

Gun-Luv; healing Love [gundam Wing/AC X muv-luv]Where stories live. Discover now