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with the gundam docking down on the hangar bay, with the little boy dexe renuo is laying down on the bed in the room that is in actuality a repurposed janitor's closet as it has been a almnost a full month, ever since the aesculapius gundam has been dismantled for it's parts for research purposes and to get it prepped for the production for a new gundam based on the data that the lead professor who has the top access to every part of the base... and as for dexe renuo, where the boy is now hearing some soft knocking on the door...

kirara: it's me...

dexe; y-yeah....what's up?

???: so this is the kid who helped you to do all the cool stuff and junk...

... the boy is now confused to see that his caretaker is bringing along another woman around her age...

dexe: uhmmm...who's that? 

kirara; oh this? she's my high-school friend kaori!

kaori: oh~! i was expecting you to be...a little ...hmmm...bigger?

dexe: oh...right...

kaori: so you're the one that brought us that gun- thing right?

dexe: th-the gundam...right?

kaori: right...that one pretty goofy name for something that is that strong

...she ticked him affectionately on the forehead and then left him alone, with practically nothing to do all by himself, as it is now lunch time in around the base, where he managed to evade the sight of many of the base's own staff and personnel, this eventually leads him to then meet up with the pilots of 207th TSF training team, not too long after bumping into them...

takeru: oh! sorry, i didn't know that the base has kids...

dexe: uhhmmm...

...he shyly looked at the boy who is older than he is, being over a couple feet taller than him, where he is calmly approaching him... 

takeru: so...what brings you here?

dexe: i-...

???: he's my son!

...they both turned around to then see a quite familiar woman, revealing herself as yuuko kouzuki who is walking up to them, where dexe ran up to her knowing that he can put hr trust, and scared of meeting anyone else...

yuuko: oh don't be shy...i know him...

takeru:...oh that, she's the one who brought me in here in the first place!

...the boy saluted her formally, where he is then spotted by a couple of other girls that they recognized as part of of the same training unit as he is...

miki: hey~! we almost got lost here trying to look for you-...oh hey~! who's the kid here?

...the boy is now looking up to the young woman who is acting as if she is a cat in a human body, being all cutesy in what she is supposed to show to everyone...

miki: oh, what's wrong here?

...she looked down at the boy who is getting himself startled by the girl's bubbly personality, where he just hid behind something as he usually does, ever since he is now living inside of the japanese base with the aesculapius gundam being inserted as a part of the military's own arsenal...

yuuko: i think you should follow me...and as for the both of you, just go and ...can you please follow me? 

...the boy is silently standing there, and is too scared about being abandoned, listened to her, following her into a deep, and well-hidden part of the base...even the regulars too didn't know of it's existence...and on the way there yuuko lets dexe know about some things that she has been working on in her free time...

Gun-Luv; healing Love [gundam Wing/AC X muv-luv]Where stories live. Discover now