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walking in the hangar bay after getting the necessary paperwork for getting him adopted after getting found inside of the cockpit of Gundam Aescalpius, and the maintenance crew now finding him in the cockpit in place of the Yuuko his adoptive mother is now taking him to the hangar bay to find out if the Haro said about him being able to pilot the machine by getting past the Gundam's biometric scanners...

yuuko: OK, I kinda want you to do me a little favor...

dexe: you mean?

yuuko: well haro here said that your DNA is locked in the thing so I kinda want you to get us inside the cockpit so we can go get the data...and I was really wondering here; what is Gundam?

dexe; huh?

yuuko: is it a type of TSF or something else entirely? knowing that she wants to know a little bit more about the Gundam and what kinds of secrets hiding behind its impressive ability to take down and even kill a forte-class BETA in single combat, and Dexe just wants to be really far away from anything relating to the BETA in general...

Yuuko: OK here we are, i just need you to get in there so the Engie-Benjies can go in there and go get some stuff... 

dexe; um...y-yeah, i can do that...

yuuko: so you'll let mommy here proud?

...he knows that it is quite very disturbing that the woman that he just met and got adopted by, at completely random after piloting some random machine that can annihilate a gargantuan alien that actually took an army-, or even a squad of TSFs to take down with proper leadership to do that... as dexe now tapped the machine, and nothing happened...

psycho haro: idiot! idiot!...

dexe; huh? the boy now jolted as the little robot that just came packaged along with the Gundam...

dexe: so what should I do-...

psycho haro: put hand here! put hand here!

...his opened itself up to reveal some sort of screen, as his adoptive parent is now impressed as something that small can cram some complex and intricate devices and gadgets inside of it like a taser for self-defense and even a computer screen for utilities...

psycho haro: fingerprints received! fingerprints received!

...the little grey haro now has its eyes flash in a different color as Yuuko is starting to get a bit excited that her own adopted son is having the haro open up the chest-mounted section of the cockpit section located in the lower abdomen of the  Gundam so the crew of the hangar can obtain the data and the blueprints inside...

yuuko: i never heard of using a live key to go get into a cockpit...there's sometihng i kinda really wanna learn about this thing...ok boys! let's see what this thing is hiding in here... the boy is holding on to the haro unit with the cat ears, as dexe just stood behind his newly adopted mother yuuko, all while the hangar crew now are entering inside of the cockpit to obtain the data of the machine that is a mystery of the mechanical kind...

yuuko:[Hm~! i wonder if the other countries would find out that we have this thing in our possession...they might ask us what it is, and start picking fights with the UN?]

...she shrugged off what she was thinking regarding the United Nations who might go in and inspect the base and possibly deem the machine a threat for its sheer power in fighting the she and the boy watched on as the crew of the base...

Gun-Luv; healing Love [gundam Wing/AC X muv-luv]Where stories live. Discover now