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POV: Splendont

I charged for Lifty the second I heard the sign. I was speeding as I approached him and eventually kicked him square in the gut, knocking him to the ground and pinning him by shoe. My tail lashed excitedly, but that was all fake. I didn't like fighting him. But I wanted to keep the town happy, as did he. He was acting odd this time.. he was acting like such a pushover, his ears pinning back, his face turning red. Eventually, after what seemed like a gay panic, he responded.

He shoved me off of him and pinned me to the ground, our faces extremely close. He backed away a bit before continuing to punch me in the face. I grabbed his arm and threw him behind my back, before getting up and looking at him on the ground. Why was he so flustered? I was sure he was asking himself the same thing, but I planned to tell him that he was acting weird afterward. He scrambled to his feet and launched at me again, slapping me across the face and grabbing my shirt collar. Woah.

(Sorry for short chapter ! I'll make an extra angsty one for you all next :D so be prepared!)

&quot;Kryptonite&quot; || HTF Splendont x Lifty !!Where stories live. Discover now