Chapter 2

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Nagihiko POV

     I woke to the sound of the flight attendant's voice informing us that the plane will be landing shortly. Finally, I thought. I will be able to see them again...

     Once the plane landed, I gathered my belongings and headed for the exit. As always, getting out off an airport takes some time, but very soon...I will be able to see them. After a few hours of business to get out of the airport, I headed for my family's house, where I will live once again. I stopped at the front door and rang the bell. As I waited, I admired the scenery and the remarkable size of the large structure. Now I know how Amu felt when she first came here...I heard footsteps getting closer, and Baya-chan opened the door. "Ah, master Nagihiko! It's so nice to see you again!" The kindly lady smiled and gestured for me to come into the house. "Arigato! I'm glad to be back!" I replied with a smile. Once I walked inside, a flood of memories from 5 years ago started coming back to me. I just stood there, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Master Nagihiko, are you ok?" Baya-chan asked. "Oh I'm's just's been so long..." I smiled and looked at her tender-warm eyes. She smiled back and with that I walked towards my room to unpack my stuff.

Rima POV

      After I left the cafe, I started walking home, and the sky was colored with pink and yellow hues, as the sun was about to set. While walking on the sidewalk, I noticed a few cherry blossoms on the ground, and a fairly large branch that connected to a tree by a lake. "Wow...that tree looks so big..I'm sure it looks amazing in the spring once all the cherry blossoms bloom...." I said to myself. I continued to walk and I took this time to look back on everything that has happened these past few years.... I still remembered how happy everyone was back in 6th grade. How we were always having a good time, having tea and cookies in the Royal Garden. I remember the Shugo Charas laughing and playing together while we were in our meetings, but then before I knew it, that happiness faded away before my eyes. In the years that followed, us Guardians went into junior high and high school. My life changed for the better or worse when I entered my first year in high school, because when I woke up to leave for school, I found my mother crying on the front porch. I was about to ask what was the matter, when I realized that my father had left us. During our Junior year in high school, Amu and Tadase started dating. Then a few months later, Kukai confessed to Utau. I actually thought Kukai would end up with Yaya, but she tells me he's more of a brotherly figure than a lover. Once Tadase started dating Amu, Kiseki left him. Tadase says that Kiseki represented his dream of becoming stronger, and I believe he has proven that by asking Amu to be his girlfriend, resulting in Kiseki returning to his egg. Pepe left Yaya, because she grew out of her baby personality. Although she still loves sweets, she tries her best to be a supportive, responsible big sister. Kukai and Daichi are still together, goofing as always, and I'm not sure if Utau or Ikuto still have their charas. As for Amu, she only has Dia as her chara. Ran, Miki and Su disappeared, because Amu finally conquered her outside character, and started being herself, shining her true radiance. I'm happy for her, ever since her other charas left, Amu seems like a new, better person on the inside and out. Then there was me. After Nagihiko left, and my father leaving us, I stopped laughing or reading gag mangas. I stopped watching my favorite comedy show. Instead I poured myself into school and hanging out with the Guardians and before I knew it, the little ball of laughter in that little clown costume, who would always cheer me up when I'm down, disappeared. Even though I stopped looking into comedy, I still miss KusuKusu dearly. We have always been together, smiling and laughing our heads off. 

     Thinking of all these memories left me standing on the sidewalk motionless, and then I remembered Nagihiko. How he was always so considerate towards me and the other Guardians, how he would always smile and help us out when we needed it. How he nearly died saving my life while we fought X-Eggs. And how he told us to come meet him at his house, at least a week after we graduated from 6th grade, and told us that he was going to study abroad. I still remember the scene so clearly. How Amu and Yaya started tearing up and how Tadase looked down and walked over to the girls to comfort them. I remember how I saw Kukai sit down in a chair and bury his head in his hands. And how I just stared at him and he stared at me, then slowly looked down, covering his eyes with his violet bangs. After that day, that was the last time we ever saw each other.

 While thinking of these memories, I felt something wet fall down my cheek, and when I brought my hand to my face, I realized I was crying. Then, more tears started flowing and couldn't hold back. I completely stopped walking and fell to my knees, crying. Crying over my father leaving us. Crying over KusuKusu. Crying over Nagihiko, leaving me. I wish I could hear his words one more time....just once,"Rima-chan....daijobu...."

Nagihiko POV

     After unpacking, I decided to take a walk outside. "Looks like the sun's going to set soon..." I crossed the street and walked through some bushes onto a dirt path that led to a lake with a large Sakura tree. I sat by the lake and picked out some smooth stones and threw them across the water. I watched as the ripples expanded on the water and the small 'plop' as the stone sank to the bottom. While I sat there, I heard a small whimper. I wasn't sure what it was, but I was certain it wasn't an animal. The sound was so soft, so delicate, I slowly walked towards the sound as silently as I could, afraid it might disappear if I made too much noise. Then I found myself walking on the dirt path back onto the side walk. At first I didn't see anything. I looked left and right, and then, right by a small bench by a flowerbed, a girl with long golden locks was curled up in a ball; knees tucked into to her chest. Right then and there, I knew exactly who that person was. 

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