Chapter 9

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Rima POV

It was impossible for me to sleep that night, as I was haunted by images of the past events this evening. Every time I closed my eyes, a new nightmare awaited me. Before I knew it, I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning, I decided to make myself go to school so my mother doesn't suspect anything. After dressing in my school attire, I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen and found my mother making breakfast.

"Ohiyo." I said.
"Ohiyo, Rima-chan!" My mother smiles as she placed some omlet on the table.

When she said 'Rima-chan' I couldn't help but think of Nagihiko....and internally fight back the tears that are desperately wanting to escape.

I forced a smile and sat down at the table, "Itadakimasu." As I began eating my mother asked me, "So, did you have fun at the cafe yesterday? Must be nice to spend time with friends."

"Uh yeah. I guess. Yaya made us play truth or dare." I said as I swallowed some omlet.

"Oh? What were you dared to do?" My mom asked teasingly.

"Um...well I-uh...Oh! Look at the time, I better get to school before I'm late! I'll be in the car!" I swallowed the last bits of omlet, grabbed my bag and ran straight for the door.

I sighed in relief once I got into the car. Whew. Now that's the last thing I would ever tell. Braiding a guy's hair...

My mom got into the car and it was a silent ride to school. I got out of the car and found Amu and Tadase hanging out at the tables.

"Ohiyo." I said once I walked up to them
"Ohiyo." They replied back.

Even Yaya couldn't bring back the happy atmosphere that day. The teacher called Nagihiko absent, saying it was a shame he couldn't make it on the second day of school.

Everyone agreed that Rhythm could stay with Kukai, so Daichi could keep him company, and as for Temari, she will be staying with Amu.

Amu said that Temari wasn't herself, no surprise there though. Same for Rhythm. When we met up with Kukai after school, he said that Rhythm has lost his enthusiasm. We can't blaim them, their bearer is in the hospital.

~One Week Later~

Nagihiko has been absent for a week now and we haven't heard a word about his condition. When I got home, someone who wasn't in my contacts tried calling me. I didn't bother picking up, but then this is what the voicemail said, "Hello. Mashiro-san? I'm the Fujisaki's family doctor, and I thought it would be reasonable to contact you in addition to the Fujisaki family, since you were a witness in the incident 2 weeks ago. I wish to inform you on Nagihiko Fujisaki's condition. Please call me back when you can."

Almost immediately I called back and sighed in relief when the man picked up, "Uh yes, I am Rima Mashiro."

"Ah splendid. Well, I'm happy to say that Nagihiko-kun is doing just fine. Unfortunately, he's too weak to come to school. I'd give him a few weeks. Maybe 2-3. Once he's back to school, he will have to take it easy, because it will take a while for his ribs to heal. Visitors are free to come starting next week. Thank you for your time. Good-bye."

Long after he hung up, I stood there with the phone stuck to my ear. Nagihiko. He's going to be okay...

Tears of relief started pouring down my cheeks and I got my sense back to bring my phone off my ear and call Amu.

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