I. chocolate chip cookies

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prologue. ˗ˏˋ⛧ .ೃ
pre season

ೃpre season

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❛ sam ❜

━━━━━ LEIA LOVELUCK HAD NEVER truly dreamt of going to college; it was, to be straight, an escape from home. A way to flee, without actually fleeing. She'd worked the details through her head, time and time again, dissecting and reworking, until the plan was smooth sailing.

Then, just days after she turned 18, her brother took his own life.

For all of her childhood, her brother had been her hero. When her father's brutal, harsh hands came down on them, bruising and marking her skin, her brother took the blows intended for her. When her mother sat in a casket, six feet under ground, it was her brother who held her hand and held her as she cried.

With all the courage of a grieving, terrified teenage girl, Leia ran away from home one month before her plan was supposed to take place. A month before she had a place to stay. A month and a half before college started.

That's when she met Jessica Moore. A pretty, kind girl, only a year older than her, with all the concern of a mother hen. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was something psychic, but Jessica let her into her home, and befriended the shaken 18-year-old girl. Leia found a home and a best friend in Jessica Moore.

One that remained, even into her sophomore year.

"Jess, I don't want to meet your boyfriend."

Jess had started dating a fellow junior student, by the name of Sam. She insisted he was a nice guy, introduced through Brady last year. A guy in their friendship circle. Now, she was begging Leia to meet him.

"Please." Jess clasped onto her arm, stood on the first floor of their apartment complex. She'd moved in with Sam pretty quick, but Leia wasn't one to ever judge her friends. "You'll love him, I swear, Leia. At least meet him before you decide you hate him."

She agreed, though begrudgingly, and allowed her friend to excitedly pull her up two flights of spiralling stairs. They reached her apartment, and Jess practically shoved Leia in upon getting the door open.

"Sam, I'm home! I brought Leia!"

Faintly, Leia noticed the apartment smelt of cookies. The smell got stronger as Jess led her through the apartment, until they made it to the kitchen.

There was a guy stood by the counter. He was tall, with long, shaggy hair that fell past his ears. Despite his tall stature, he seemed small, smiling almost shyly at Leia, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his jeans as he rocked backwards and forwards from his heels to his toes. There were no immediate alarm bells going off in Leia's head — and the guy seemed cute, in a puppy-like kind of way.

"Hi." Leia waved at the guy, who'd so easily gotten Jess to fall in love with him. "I'm Leia. Jess talks about you.. a lot."

He seemed to relax, albeit just a little bit. "Good to know." He flashed a smile at his girlfriend, before his attention returned to Leia. "I'm, uh, Sam. You take psychology, right?" Leia tilted her head, confused at his knowledge. Sheepishly, he shrugged. "Jess talks about you, too."

"Sam and I baked cookies." Jess stepped away from Leia, breezing through the kitchen, revealing a tray of cookies that was previously hidden behind Sam. That explained the appetising smell. "Chocolate chip — your favourite. Sam insisted to make some as a peace offering."

She allowed herself to giggle, stepping further into the kitchen and reaching for a cookie. They were warm under her fingers, and seemed to melt in her mouth. She gave the couple a thumbs up, watching them exchange giddy smiles and a high five.

Sam put an arm around Jess, and she leant into his side. Leia snagged another cookie, watching as Sam prevented Jess from stopping her.

Yeah, Sam could stick around.

And he did.

Deep into her junior year, Sam had became her best friend number two. He almost immediately became some sort of big brother towards her, much to the amusement of Jess. He ruffled her hair, and walked or drove her home, checked up on her, annoyed her so much until she felt like pulling her hair out — but he cared about her, like he'd step in front of an approaching car or deadly bullet.

Their apartment became a second home, and she frequented there on their sofa. Until, eventually, a guest bedroom was created from their storage room, filled with knicks and knacks they knew she'd enjoy.

"Sam, you're not allowed in here."

From where he sat at the small table, tucked away in the corner of the staff room of the restaurant Leia worked in, he shrugged. He sat back in the chair, which was too small for him, and did his best ro get comfortable. "It's dark out."

Leia glanced out the window. It was dark, just past 9pm, and there were raindrops hitting the glass softly. "And?" Her gaze swung back to Sam, confused.

"I don't want you to walk home alone."

Her lips curled into a smile, despite doing her best to prevent it. She shook her head at him, reaching forward enough to slap his arm gently. "Thanks, Sam." She checked her phone, reading the time displayed on the tiny screen. "I finish in 30 minutes."

Sam nodded at her. "I'll be here."

She was content at Stanford. Away from her father, from the home that had haunted her and terrorised her since she was a child. She had friends — a circle of people she'd never thought she'd ever meet, clinging onto their friendship with a desperate hold.

She was happy. For the first time, Leia was happy. With her home, and her friends, and her life.

That was all about to get ripped away from her.

THE NIGHT WE MET.¹       dean winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now