IX. scary scarecrows

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nine.       ˗ˏˋ⛧ .ೃ
1x11, scarecrow

❛ no need for you to touch her ❜

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❛ no need for you to touch her ❜

━━━━━ THE DUVET BEING PULLED off her, and an elbow digging into her ribs woke Leia up, only four hours after she'd fallen asleep. "Dean." She complained, trying to fold away from him without falling off the bed.

On the other bed, Sam was talking. "You're after it, aren't you?" Confused, Leia tried wake herself up, elbow still digging into her. "The thing that killed mom."

"Dean." She turned over, kicking the man in the back. His head snapped around, glaring at her. "Move your fucking elbow." He complied with a dramatic huff, Leia rolling her eyes at him. "What's going on?" She asked him sleepily, sitting up, onto her elbows.

"A demon?" Sam looked over at Dean, glancing at Leia for a moment. The girl frowned, eyes heavy with sleep, eyes switching between the brothers. "You know for sure?"

Waking up far quicker than Leia was, Dean sat further up. "A demon?" He echoed, eager for answers. "What's he saying?" He grabbed his abandoned shirt, pulling it on, almost hitting Leia as he shoved his arm through the hole.

"Is it your dad?" Leia asked him, earning a single nod in response. Humming, she rubbed her eyes with her knuckles as she sat up, bundling the duvet over her legs.

Sam's brows rose. "You know where it is?" There was a brief moment of silence, and his eyes shone. "Let us help." John's reply had his lips curling in distaste. "Why not?" He demanded.

Holding out a hand, Dean gave his brother a look. "Give me the phone."

Sam ignored Dean, much to his irritation. "Names? What names, dad— talk to me, tell me what's going on." Leia knew Sam wasn't a fan of his father. And, frankly, from what little Leia knew about him, she didn't like the man either. Sam had never, in the years Leia had been friends with him, said anything positive about John Winchester. "No. Alright? No way." His voice was laced with frustration.

Annoyed at his younger brother, Dean's eyes narrowed. "Give me the phone." He ordered. Leia's brows rose in surprise at his tone. When Sam didn't, jaw clenching at his father's words, Dean leant over and snatched the phone from him, glaring at Sam as he held it up to his ear. "Dad, it's me. Where are you?"

Beginning to understand they were going to be leaving soon, Leia reluctantly pushed the duvet off her legs.

"Yes, sir." That caught her attention.

Turning to Dean, she stared at him like he was insane. He gave her a confused look, and disbelief curled in her stomach. Was John their father or their superior? She scoffed, bewildered by the way they spoke to their father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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