II. loss

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❛ big brother dean

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❛ big brother dean. ❜

━━━━━ AS A CHILD, HALLOWEEN had never been celebrated in the Loveluck household. Her parents argued constantly about the subject in her early years — until her mom relented, and decided Halloween wasn't for the family.

As other children dressed up, Leia and her brother remained in their rooms, like it was any other night. The lights in their house remained off, in an attempt to deter any trick-or-treaters from knocking on their door. Most years, it worked, and even when they did knock, they got no response.

Now 21 years old, Leia found October 31st as an excuse to get stupidly drunk.

"You need to lay off." With a laugh, amused at his friend's antics, Sam caught Leia's wrist, preventing her from downing yet another shot. She frowned at him, disheartened by his attempts to ruin her fun. "I'm cutting you off."

As he pried the glass drink her hand, Leia gawked at him. "It's 9pm!"

"And you're drunk." Sam chuckled, sliding the drink over to Jess, who happily received the extra shot "And crashing at our place tonight. I am not babysitting you again, Lei."

Jess rose the gifted shot glass, watching as Luis drifted over, hovering between them with his own glass. "So here's to Sam," she smiled lovingly at her boyfriend, "and his awesome LSAT victory."

Always one to hide from compliments, Sam just waved her off. "All right, all right, it's not that big a deal." Still, he clinked his glass with Luis and Jess.

"Yeah, he acts all humble." Jess gently nudged Sam with her elbow, speaking in a mixture of mockery and fondness. "But he scored a 174."

The two boys downed their drinks, Sam flushing under the praise, Luis' brows showing his confusion. "Is that good?" He questioned.

Leia leant forward. "The highest you can get is 180." Jess nodded in agreement, smacking her lips as she downed her drink. "He's basically a baby Einstein." She ducked from Sam's swat, managing to avoid getting hit in the shoulder.

"So there you go." Luis looked to his friend, evidently impressed with the news. "You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want!" He sat down beside Leia, looking around her to give Sam a look.

"Actually, I got an interview here." Sam confessed. He smiled weakly, nervous at the thought of his big interview. "Monday. If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year." Leia patted his shoulder, silently showing her reassurance towards her best friend.

THE NIGHT WE MET.¹       dean winchesterWhere stories live. Discover now