"Valentines Day..?"

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Travis walked into school, taking in the warmth it had to offer. He was so cold just a second ago, having to walk to school that morning. He pushed through the kids in the hall to get to his locker, taking off his coat as he did. He looked around, noticing a lot of hugging and kissing, he grimaced and looked away. He hated the idea of PDA, it was just a way of showing everybody you were pathetic and dependent and vulnerable, at least to Travis it was that way. But he could just think that because he's never been a relationship. He shoved his coat into his locker before taking out his Algebra notebook and he shut his locker. He didn't carry a backpack with him, he just took what he needed home and left the rest in his locker. He thought it was easier that way rather than having back and shoulder pain everyday. He walked to class. He looked forward to Algebra class, not because he was good at math, he was actually terrible at it, he got excited about seeing Sal Fisher and he hated himself for it. They were friends, kinda. They weren't enemies anymore, not after Bologna Day. Sal says hi to him every morning and at lunch and occasionally they would have a conversation, if Travis felt like it. He always looked forward to it. Travis walked into Mrs. Packerton's classroom and took his seat in the middle row. Mrs. Packerton looked up from her desk and smiled softly at him. "Oh, Travis, I moved your seat. Phillip sits there now."

Travis looked up. "What? Why?"

"He has trouble seeing the board, dear. Now, let's see where I moved you to..." Her words trailed off as she stared down at her desk. Travis waited impatiently. "Ah, next to Sal Fisher."

Travis' eyes widened and his heart began to race at the very thought of sitting next to Sal. "But, Miss, I-"

"No buts. Go on."

Travis sighed. He stood and turned. Sal smiled at him, though he couldn't tell because of his prosthetic, his only indication being the bright look in his crinkled eyes. It made Travis feel uneasy, a good uneasy. He was flustered and it made him angry. He sat down in the desk next to Sal's and stared in front of him, avoiding any further thought of his own embarrassing sinful thoughts. Sal sat back, letting his smile fade when Travis didn't greet him. But he didn't let that discourage him. He leaned forward and smiled again. "Hey, Trav." Travis felt his cheeks start to burn. There was that feeling again. He hated the way Sal made him feel. He looked over wordlessly. "How was your weekend?" Sal asked, desperately trying to start a conversation.

Travis looked down. His weekend was terrible, his father got mad at him because he forgot to do the dishes and he hit him, he called him lazy and a disappointment, which hurt a lot. Of course, he didn't say that to Sal, instead he said, "Fine..." It wasn't much and it came out harsh and quiet, but Sal wasn't effected by it, he was used to Travis' harsh, careless responses.

"My weekend was pretty good. Larry came over and we played video games and then on Saturday, Ashley came over and we watched movies. Sunday, I slept in." He laughed softly. "It was the greatest sleep of my life. I was so refreshed that morning." Travis listened but he didn't say anything nor did he look over, he just stared in front of him, face red and eyebrows furrowed, the usual expression he had when he talked to Sal. "Oh, and then, Todd was talking to me about what he got Neil for Valentine's Day and-"

Travis' eyes widened. He looked over at Sal and it seemed to catch his attention. "Valentine's day..?" His voice was audibly confused. To be honest, he totally forgot that Valentine's Day existed, he hasn't celebrated it since his mother passed when he was eight. She gave him a card telling him how much she loved him and a stuffed bear. His father complained, saying that it would turn him soft and when his mother argued back, he would become violent. So, needless to say, he hated the holiday.

"Yeah, it's today. Which reminds me.." Sal turned and dug into his bag. Travis watched intently. A moment later, he held out a clear bag filled with chocolate out to him, it was covered in hearts. At that moment, he noticed Sal's painted nails, which were pink and red. He always thought painting your nails were for girls, he still believed that. "I made this for you." Sal claimed.

Travis looked up at him, eyes wide and his cheeks glowing red. "For.. me?" He asked, like he couldn't believe that Sal would actually go through the trouble of making him something for Valentine's Day after all he put him through. They weren't even friends.. kinda.

"Yeah. Here." Travis reached his trembling hand out and took it, for a brief moment, their fingers touched and he felt his heart melt. He stared down at the chocolates, apparently long enough for Sal to ask, "What's wrong? Do you not like them?"

Travis could hear the panic in his voice, and to be honest, Travis was panicking himself, not because Sal was, but because he was in shock and extremely flustered, like an embarrassing amount. And he also felt bad because he didn't get Sal anything. "No, it's just.." He looked up at the blue-haired boy. "I didn't get you anything..."

That seemed to calm Sal down and he smiled warmly. "Oh, that's alright!" He reassured him. "I wasn't expecting anything back."

"But I-"

"Quiet down, please."

Travis sighed and turned back in front of him and Sal did the same. Travis stared down at the chocolates. He had to do something for Sal in return, it would ease his mind. So, at lunch, as Travis sat at his lonely table, he wrote Sal a letter. It wasn't much, he knew that, but it was short notice. When he finished, he folded the paper neatly and stood from his seat. It wasn't a confession of his love that he hated so much, no, he was afraid he would die of embarrassment if he ever confessed his feelings for Sal. It was a letter about how grateful he was to be friends with Sal, kinda. He walked over to his table. "Hey.." The table went silent, the laughing and the conversation grew dead, as did the looks from Sal's friends. Sal's eyes lit up and he smiled. "I, uh, wrote you this." He held the letter out to Sal. Sal took it. "It's my gift back to you for the chocolates..." He spoke softly, his cheeks were red, and he purposely avoided eye contact with Sal or his friends. "Happy Valentine's day." He turned to leave, but the sound of Sal's voice made him stop, he felt like it grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back.

"Cool! Can I read it now?"

Travis' eyes grew wide and his face grew hotter than ever. He spoke abruptly. "Wait, no, I-" The sound of paper rustling made his heart drop but he didn't move, stupidly, he didn't move. He stood there, frozen in place, eyes glued to the floor.

Sal, I know we had our differences in the past and I can't express how sorry I am for the anger I took out on you. You didn't deserve it. Thank you for forgiving me and for treating me with kindness. I have never met someone as compassionate as you. I know we've never said it but thank you for being my friend. Anyway, thank you for the chocolates. Happy Valentine's Day, Sally Face. From, Travis.

Sal smiled, his cheeks glowing red and he looked up at the flustered boy. He was glad he couldn't see how flustered he was too. "Thanks, Trav. I'll keep it forever."

Travis tensed up, he didn't know he could get more tense than he already was. He felt like his face was going to melt off and his heart explode. "Y-You're welcome..." He replied. He wanted to punch himself in the face hearing how wobbly his voice was, he was so pathetic. But he was glad Sal was happy.

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