Outed Pt.4

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this is the last part to outed. (unless you guys want a part 5 then i might do one) this is a long one but it'll be worth it. thank you for reading this far! <3

Sal stared as Travis walked away, his heart heavy with sorrow. His face ached where Travis punched him as well as his heart; it hurt so much. It hurt that Travis would think he'd do such a thing, but at the same time, he couldn't blame him. Nothing happened the way he wanted. "Sal, dude." Sal looked over at the frantic voice of Larry. "Have you-" He stopped when he saw the tears in his eyes and the blood that dried up on his prosthetic. His eyes darted around Sal's prosthetic, they were worried then realization hit him and they grew angry. "That dick- I'm gonna kill him." He turned and Sal grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him.

"No, Larry.." Larry looked back at him, his eyebrows furrowed with worry when he heard how hurt he was. "It wasn't his fault..." He claimed. Sal shook his head lightly and looked down. "He's hurt and he thinks I passed around his letter."

Larry's eyes widened and he turned towards Sal completely. "Woah, that was- you two?!"

"Keep your voice down!" Sal whisper-yelled and he pulled Larry into the classroom next to them, which was empty. It was silent. Larry stared down at Sal as he sighed and began to speak. "It's not like that..." He started. "He kissed me and left without giving me the chance to speak, then he gave me the letter and before I could speak to him about it, we found out that it was passed around. I guess, it fell out of my bag..." Sal explained as he stared down at the ground, not wanting to look at Larry or at anyone for that matter, he was ashamed that he handled the letter so carelessly.

"Shit, dude." Larry spoke. "What are you going to do?"

Sal shrugged half-heartedly. "I don't know..."

"Do you like him?" Sal quickly looked up at Larry, his eyes wide with shock. Larry stared back at him, his expression calm and his hands shoved into his pant pockets as he waited for Sal's response. Sal looked down again.

"I don't know, maybe..."

"Shit. You totally do." Sal looked up at Larry, his eyes fragile with the realization that he was right. He did like Travis. "I'm not going to judge you, man. So, get that ashamed look off your face." Larry said carelessly, and they stared at each other before Sal smiled and fell into Larry's chest. After a moment of process, Larry loosely wrapped an arm around him. Sal knew Larry didn't really do hugs and Larry knew that he knew that, but it was clear that Sal needed it, so he made an exception. Sal pulled away and looked up at Larry as he spoke. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

Sal looked down. What was he going to do? He had no clue. He knew Travis wouldn't want to talk to him, so what could he do? Suddenly, Sal's eyes widened with hope and he looked up. "I'm going to find out who passed the letter."

Larry couldn't help but smile at his brother's hopeful demeanor. He loved how he just bounced back. "Alright. I'll help." Sal nodded and the two set off to find the person who invaded Travis' long-kept secret and shared it with the whole school. But of course, they had no luck. They were investigators, well, they pretend to be, but they weren't miracle workers. They figured out what was in the bologna, they found the cult's lair, they even figured out who were apart of the cult, but they couldn't figure out who passed around a letter. Sal felt lost, a little frustrated and like it was a lost cause, but at lunch something happened. Something big. Sal sat with his head in his hand as he stared down at Travis' lonely table across the way. Travis sat with his back slouched and head downward. He looked so damn sad. It broke Sal's heart. He wanted to go over there and just be there with him, but that would only make Travis angry, so he stayed there. Suddenly, he heard Ashley's voice.

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