Drive Home

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Travis stepped outside the school, happy that the day was finally over, but that relief stopped when he saw that it was raining. Great. He thought. His father doesn't pick him up from school nor does he drop him off, usually he would take his bike but he hasn't seen it since last week, he stupidly left it in the driveway and it got stolen, so he's been walking to and from school since then. He sighed and stepped out from underneath the overhang, immediately getting rained on. He kept his head low, shoulders tense, hands tucked deep into his pockets. He walked even after he heard a honk, assuming it was a parent or friend of another kid, but he did look when he heard his voice. Sal Fisher's. "Hey, Travis!" He called out. Sal was hanging his head out of a beige minivan's window, and in the drivers seat was Larry Johnson, his best friend. Travis looked away from Larry when he glared at him. "Want a ride?" Travis was just able to hear over the loud rain and awful sound of heavy metal coming from the minivan.

"Fuck off, freak!" Travis yelled over it all. He didn't want to be mean, but if he didn't and accepted Sal's offer, he was scared to know the reaction he would get from his father if he saw him get out of that car, seeing who else was in it. He saw Sal look over at Larry as he said something inaudible to the blue-haired boy. Then, Sal poked his head out again.

"Come on, it's pouring. You're not wearing a coat, you're going to get sick!"

"Get in the car, dickwad!"

Travis huffed and walked over. The car stopped so that he could get in and he did. He got into the backseat, pushing over a can of axe spray and a few varieties of fast food bags. He grimaced at the sight of candy wrappers and redbull and monster cans on the floor. He kicked them out of his way and sat down, closing the door after him. He looked up when Sal spoke. "Here. Take my jacket." Travis glanced down at his reached out hand, gesturing a black hoodie out to him.

"Dude, don't give that guy your clothes. He's a dick to you." Larry protested.

"He'll get sick." Sal looked back at Travis and smiled underneath his prosthetic. "Take it."

Travis' heart was pounding, he knew he was probably blushing and just knowing that was enough for him to want to kick his own ass. "Fuck off." He grumbled, looking out the window.

"Come on, please."

Travis looked at him, then at Larry, making eye contact in the rear view mirror. "He won't leave you alone until you take it." He claimed. Travis huffed and snatched the hoodie and pulled it on. Sal stared at him. Travis could tell he was smiling from his eyes becoming thin slits and slight crinkling at the corners. He wanted to smile but got ahold of himself and looked away and upon noticing Sal turn away, he looked back at him and smiled, okay with doing it when he wasn't being watched. He looked down at the hoodie and noticed the SF on the front, wondering what it was. The hoodie was much too small for him but he enjoyed it nonetheless, it smelled like him. "What are you smiling about, Phelps?" Travis' heart dropped and he looked up with widened eyes, his eyes meeting Larry's once again, his were cold. Sal looked back too, growing curious. "Well?"

"N-Nothing!" Travis blurted out. He looked away, feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment. He somehow managed to hear Larry huff out a laugh over the blaring music and from the corner of his eye, he saw Sal look away. He wanted to bash his head against the window until he lost consciousness. He couldn't handle this much emotion, he felt embarrassed, happy, overwhelmed, irritated, scared. God. He was so pathetically good at being a lost cause and he knew Larry would agree... Sal wouldn't though, that's what he liked about him.

"We're here."

Travis looked up. "Yeah. Get out." Larry said, his voice cold.


Travis gulped nervously and he looked between the two then down at himself. "T-Thanks..." His voice was low and audibly frustrated.

Sal stammered, not expecting a thank you from Travis Phelps, but nonetheless, said, "You're welcome." Travis reached to take the hoodie off, but Sal stopped him. "Keep it. Bring it back tomorrow." He told him and Travis nodded wordlessly. He turned and opened the car door. "See ya later, man." Is the last thing he heard before he shut the door. He walked around the car, to his front door and struggled with the key for a moment before getting the door opened. He heard the car drive off behind him as he walked into the place he called home but left him feeling scared, alone, and empty. He backed away as he shut the door, his back pressing against it and he smiled. He just smiled. Sal really had ahold of him and he both loved and hated it.

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