Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Do NOT get your hopes up. This is my first time writing something like this on this app, and it may not be that good. With that being said, enough chit-chat, onto the story!

(2nd person POV)

You were just laying in your bed watching whatever when suddenly, the idea of going to your balcony to look at the pretty city of Manhattan at night came to your mind. This was a habit of yours that wasn't uncommon at all. In fact, you do it almost every day. You caved into your thoughts and went to the balcony.

Once you got there, you lay your arms and head on the rail while humming a little song that you like to yourself. The sounds of subways, that neighbor that's screaming for no apparent reason, and more. But, something catches your attention, a sound-no, sounds that you probably would hear on a show that had many rooftop scenes for dramatic effect.

You heard running and grunting, but it sounded like it was coming from above and not from below. An unexpected burst of excitement from who-knows-where in a  verbal form blasts through the night ambiance. "I LOVE IT UP HERE!" Who would be on the roof at this hour? Well, it is New York, what would you expect?

Since you live in an apartment on the second to highest floor, you have a pretty good view. You look further into the distance and see 4 people running and jumping on and off of rooftops. New York is active, but you didn't expect it to be that active.

You go back into your apartment, go downstairs, and out the door. You start running on the sidewalk to try and follow them. You're running out of breath, but that doesn't stop you. You jog in the same directions as them until they stop on top of... an alley? Weird place to stop, but oh well. You peek around the corner and see the four of them jump down. You flinch and hide back so they wouldn't see you. You slowly start to peek again and see them open a manhole cover and hop in.
'What the heck?!', you thought to yourself. This was a crazy night so far. How did you go from looking from your balcony to chasing 4 people going to the sewers?

Since this basically took a chunk out of your night, you go back home, dissatisfied. All you want to do now is to flop on your bed and sleep. So that's what you do.  

This was a once in a lifetime experience.

A Weird Occurrence (This May Or May Not Be Redone Or Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now