# Author Notes

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All Author Notes will be made on this page.

Hey people,

I've unpublished this book for some slight changes. I've decided I work best with smaller, more oneshot type writing.

I'm going to make this a book, still following Sam's story, but written and published out of chronological order. I think this will help to improve my work.

I am doing this to all of my books and ship ideas.

Hopefully, this will help me write more.


Hey People,

updates have been made. unlike last time ive actualt planed out to book better. updates will be aimed for 1 every week - 2 weeks. but well, see.
hope you enjoy the book.


Hey people,

All images used are from pinterest or edited from pixabay.


Hey people,

I was just watching Princess and the frog, right? You know the line "a redhead on my left arm. A brunette on my right." If I forget to make this reference in this book, someone slap me


Hey People,

What do we think of the book so far. Does the writing make sense? Is the plot good? I'm questioning myself rn



OH MY GODS, The series got me literally screaming and kicking. It's so good. It's so much better than the movies.

I need more. I can't handle this. AND DROPING IT EARLY WTF. Ahahahhahahaahahhahaahha


Just published a oneshots in my daminette book that is in the same world as this book. I suggest you go check out my latest update on there if you want some clues about what's happened


I keep trying to write the update and keep being interrupted. To be fair, I've been writing this at work, but it's not the point

On another note, 2 more updates, and then you guys can read the letter

I've also been seeing some dislike for how I'm portraying characters such as Bruce Wayne. To this, I say if you don't like it, don't read it. It's fan fiction. Obviously, there will be some creative liberty taken.

Complicated (Fem Percy x Jason Todd X Roy Harper)Where stories live. Discover now