# Chapter Eleven

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Jason slammed the car door as he exited the car

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Jason slammed the car door as he exited the car. They had just gotten back to their apartment after running into Damian and Percy at the Café. Roy pursed his lips and locked the door before following Jason into the apartment.

Jason walked over to the liquor cabinet in the apartment and grabbed a half finished bottle of whisky, screwing the cap off he skipped the glass and took a swig from the bottle. "Jay?" Roy came up in front of him and rubbed his cheek. "Are you OK?" He spoke softly as not to agitate his boyfriend further. Jason's hand, not the one holding the whiskey, made its way to Roy's waist and gave it a light squeeze.

"I'm a fucking idiot." Jason pulled away from Roy to move to the living room. Roy silently followed. "Why did I belive that he could change?" Jason sat on the couch and took another swing of the bottle. Roy sat beside him carefully he took the bottle of whiskey out of jasons hand and sat it on the table.  he lifted Jasons arm and wrapped it around himself as he snuggled into his side.

"It's not your fault, Jay." Roy could feel the tention in jasons body.

"I could have stopped it." Guit was eating him up. "I could have stayed." Mabye if he was there Bruce would have left Damian alone.

"You staying wouldn't have changed anything." Roy played with jasons hands. "He would have just hurt you both."

"He would have left Damian alone." Roy moved to straddle Jason.

"That's bullshit and you know it. Come on. Go to bed, we have patrol tonight. We'll see them tomorrow at dinner."


"What should we take to dinner?" The couple lay in bed. They had 3 hours before they had to leave. They hadn't been asked to bring anything. But both felt they should.

"We could take a crumble, plenty of apples in the fridge." Jason got out of bed, then finding his pants. As he pulled them on he nearly fell over. Roy let out a snort before rolling over to find his own clothes. "I'm going for a smoke." Jason grumbled as he walked to the balcony.

Roy simply rolled his eyes. "I'll go make a crumple then."


As Roy and Jason pulled up to Percy house they were surprised. Despite living in the rich outskirts of Gotham, the house was looked more like a cabin in the woods. The driveway was dirt, long and windy. The house itself sat in a small clearing, surrounded by the dense bush and a bug lake.

Birds flew around, they couldn't recognize half the fish in the pond. They could see horse stables to the back of the clearing. "Who is this woman?" Roy whisperer as they got out of the car. He carried the crumble, Jason locked the car.

Together they walked up the flower lined path, up the stares and to the front door. "Is she a witch?" Jason whispered. "This looks like where a witch would live."

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Complicated (Fem Percy x Jason Todd X Roy Harper)Where stories live. Discover now