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I sit up in bed when I hear something coming from downstairs. I sit quietly for a minute, trying to calm my erratic breathing as I try to listen to what's going on down there.

After hearing another noise, I silently get out of my bed. I crouch down and pull out the bat that I keep there for exactly this reason. My worst nightmare.

My heart pounds and I grasp the bat firmly in my hands as I make my way towards my bedroom door.

I open the door as quietly as I can, but with it being quite old it makes a creaking noise and I bite my lip.

I pull the door quickly open and I step out into the hall.

I can hear someone in the living room. I take cautious steps towards the end of the hall. I press myself against the wall and I realize that I should have called for help when I was in my room. My phone is probably still charging right next to my bed.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my pounding heart before I flip the lights on and jump out from the hall.

"Freeze," I yell out, raising my bat up over my shoulder.

My mouth drops open and my hands go slack slightly. In front of me stands a beautiful boy. He's wearing tight black skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt with a black beanie to match. His curly brunet hair is sticking out of his beanie and his startled green eyes are focused on me.

He puts his hands up and his cheeks turn red. His glance flicks from me to the door and I take a few steps to stand in front of the door.

He seems harmless, and I have a bat, so I figure this is an okay idea.

"Are you robbing me?" I ask dumbly.

"" The boy replies. I'm surprised by his molasses like voice.

"You don't look like a robber," I say absentmindedly.

"Well I am one," he retorts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Oh my god," he runs his hands through his hair, "You're probably standing there blocking my way because you've called the police."

"Did you see me call the police?" I counter.


"Then how could I have done it if you've been here with me the whole time?" I say in a 'duh' voice.

"Good point. Aren't you freaked out right now? Usually people don't have full blown conversations with their robbers," he asks me, squinting his eyes a bit.

"Well you're pretty cute, so I'll make an exception," I smirk.

"Are you flirting with me? IN THE MIDDLE OF ME ROBBING YOU?" He asks, flailing his arms around.


"That's messed up. I could have like, killed you already," he tells me.

"But you didn't. Plus, you don't look like you could kill someone. And why my apartment of all places?" I finally ask him.

"It was a random pick," he tells me.

I hum before saying, "You know, I feel like robbers aren't as loud as you are. Are you sure you're a real robber?"

"Well I'm here aren't I?" He gestures to himself, "Of course I'm a real robber. Now step aside little boy."

"Little boy?" I raise my eyebrows, "Why are you even trying to rob me?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes, "I need the money. Why else do people steal?"

I nod before chewing on my lip. This boy is very intriguing and I want him to stay even though I know that he shouldn't. I move out of his way and I let the bat fall to my side.

He cautiously comes closer to the door.

When he finally realizes that I'm not going to make a move to hurt him he pulls the door open.

"Wait," I call out.


"Will I-" I scratch the back of my head nervously and I look up at him, "Will I see you again?"

He smirks down at me, his green eyes swimming with mischief, "Maybe I'll rob you again sometime."

He shuts the door behind him and I stare at the door for a minute processing what he said.

"Rob me again?" I mumble to myself.

My eyes widen and I look next to me to the small table where I always place my wallet, keys, and unfortunately my watch for today.

My wallet is still there, but upon opening it I find that all of my cash is gone. He's left the credit cards though, which was nice.

On the other hand, the Rolex that my parents got me for Christmas is gone and so are the keys to my Range Rover.


Robber (Narry) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now