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 "Niall," Harry gasps so painfully into the phone what I get up on my feet.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask frantically.

"No...I've been...stabbed," he says breathlessly into the phone.

"Oh my God, where are you? What do I do?" I ask, becoming more and more hysterical. I run to the door and slip my shoes on quickly before running down to the street. I look up and down the street quickly, looking for my car and then I realize that Harry's totaled it, or so he's told me.

"I don't know," he breaths into the phone, "God Ni, it hurts so much."

"I know Harry, I know. But I need to know where you are if I'm going to help you," I tell him as calmly as I can. I start running up the street, hoping this is the right way.

"I don't know," he's starting to cry into the phone, "I don't know where I am."

"Harry," I say, my voice breaking.

There are tears filling my eyes and I can hardly see here I'm going. I sniffle before wiping my nose. "Fuck Harry."

Harry's breathing is getting more labored over the phone.

"Stay with me you dumb robber," I tell him, "Don't you leave me.

"Niall," he pleads, his voice hoarse.

I pause in my running. "Harry? Say something again?" I ask him.

I bite my lip and close my eyes, praying that he'll say something. I pull the phone away from my ear and hope for the best.

"Niall," he says again.

My eyes snap open when I hear his faint voice. There's an alley next to me and even from a few feet away I can hear Harry's faint call of my name. If I squint my eyes I can see a dark lump on the ground.

"Harry," I gasp. I hang up my phone and immediately dial the emergency number.

I crouch down besides Harry and I gently pull his head into my lap. He opens his eyes as much he can and he mouths my name.

"I'm here Harry," I say, brushing some of the hair off of his forehead, "It's me."

The operator picks up my call and I speak as quickly as I can to her. As I'm talking Harry's eyes start to close again, "Hey, hey," I call, "Stay awake Harry. Stay with me."

He tries to open his eyes as much as he can but it's no use, I can tell that he's lost a lot of blood and even in the darkened alley I can tell that he's as pale as a piece of paper.

"Please hurry," I whisper into the phone.

She tells me that I need to put pressure on the wood and that the ambulance is on it's way to our location. I gently set Harry's head back on the pavement so that I can move to search for where the wound is. His eyes open wide for a second and his hand grasps onto my shirt weakly.

"I'm not going anywhere," I tell him, "I need to find where you got stabbed."

"Abdomen," he whispers so quietly that I can hardly hear him over the sound of traffic and thankfully the sound of sirens getting closer.

"It's okay, help is on the way," I reply. I can't see exactly where the wound is, but I see the hole in his shirt and I avoid my eyes. I take a deep breath and press the both of my hands against the wound. Harry lifts his head off of the ground and he gasps painfully. He grips my arm as hard as he can, but it's very weak from all of the blood that he's lost.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I chant over and over to him.

His eyes roll back in his head and his head drops to the pavement.

"Fuck. Harry?" I ask.

The paramedics arrive and they take over for me. I back away slightly and watch as they tend to Harry. They ask me all of the necessary questions and then some that I don't know the answer to. I'm allowed to ride in the ambulance with them and I do. It's a terribly long ride to the hospital and I can't help but to shake my legs in anticipation. I would bite my nails, but there's blood on my hands.

Speaking of which, I scrub my hands on my jeans. Most of the blood is dry and stuck in the cracks of my hands, so it doesn't come off.

When we pull up to the hospital Harry's wheeled straight into surgery and I'm left in the lobby. I give the secretary as much information that I can about him and I also leave my number with her so that she can call me if I'm not sitting in the lobby waiting for him to come out, which I probably will be.

I find a bathroom after that and I scrub my hands at least twenty times but even then I still feel like there's blood on them. I sigh and dry them off anyway and head back into the waiting room. I leave Zayn a message and then there's nothing that I can do except wait.


"Mr. Horan?" a nurse calls me gently.

"Wha?" I ask, picking my head up from my fist that was propping me up while I was napping.

"It's Mr. Styles. He's out of surgery, you can see him now."

That gets me on my feet, "I can?"

"Yes sir, he's in room four fifty seven."

"Thank you," I call over my shoulder because I am already making my way towards the elevator.

The stupid thing doesn't move fast enough and by the time it reaches the fourth floor I'm almost bouncing on my feet. I slip through the doors as soon as they open and I bound down the hall.

I'm about to enter Harry's room but then the door opens and two police officers step out of the room. They're talking but when they notice me they stop talking.

"You the kid that called us for your friend?" the shorter one asks.

I gulp before answering, "Yes."

"Can we talk to you for a moment, son?"

"Um...sure," I reply. I take a long glance at Harry's door before following the two officers to a room with no people in it.

"Have a seat," one offers me.

I nod with a nervous smile before taking a seat. I fold my hands in my lap and try not to look like I'm hiding something (even though I have nothing to hide).

"Is your friend...suicidal by chance?" the older looking officer asks me.

I furrow my brows in confusion, "What?"

"I asked if-"

"Yeah, I heard you," I say. I scratch my head and reply, "Ehm, no. No he's not. Why would you ask me that?"

The officer sighs before looking me straight in the eyes, "Well kid, because the only prints on the weapon we found were his own."

A/N: Thank you for all of the wonderful feedback :)

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