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"So what was yesterday all about?" I ask Zayn when I enter his car the next day.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replies, not even sparing me a glance.

"Yes you do Zayn. Don't lie to me," I tell him, "We're friends, you can tell me anything."

"I'll say this, you shouldn't be hanging around him," Zayn says.

I look at him confused, "Why not?"

"He just doesn't look like a good guy."

If only you knew Zayn, I think. I stay silent for most of the ride. If the two have only just met there's no way that they couldn't like each other that quick. They've either both like me and hate the other because they're trying to win me over, which is a stupid theory because Zayn and I are only friends, and Harry's made it clear that he likes me as much as I like him. The other theory that pops into my mind is that Zayn and Harry know each other.

My mouth drops open and I turn in my seat to face Zayn, "Do you know him?"

"I didn't say that," he replies shortly.

"You didn't not say that," I reply.

"I-what?" he says confused.

"I don't even know. But you're not telling me something," I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm not telling you a lot of things Niall, but that doesn't mean anything."

I give Zayn the silent treatment the rest of the way there, even when he tries to talk to me. When he pulls into his parking spot at the restaurant I tell him, "Thank you for the ride," and exit his car, not waiting for him to catch up with me.

It's not hard to ignore Zayn during my shift, he's busing today and I'm taking orders, so we only see each other in passing and neither of us tries to talk to the other. It's also pretty busy today, so I haven't had the chance to stop to talk to him even if I wanted to. Which I don't.

On my break I text Harry, asking what he's up to and if he's okay.

N: How are you feeling? Any better?

H: Loads, thanks. How's work?

N: It's busy. Zayn won't tell me what's going on between the two of you either :/

H: I told you there's nothing going on Ni

N: I'll believe that when I'm dead. You two are shit actors.

H: If you say so.

N: What are you doing right now?

H: You know, stuff

N: Okayyyy...but what stuff?

H: You don't want to know

N: Yes, I kind of do

H: No, I'm pretty sure you don't

N: Oh my God, you're not...you know...are you?!?

H: What are you even talking about?

N: Do I have to spell it out for you?

H: You mean text it out ;)

N: Shut up. You're not wanking are you?

H: ...


H: What? Every guy does it




H: If you insist ;)

N: I swear when I get home...

H: What? Talk dirty to me Niall. I wanna hear all about what you're gonna do to me when you get home ;)))

"Niall," Zayn calls, "Your break is almost over."

I groan and take the last bite of my sandwich. Harry is so gross. I can't believe him. I type in my response and stand to throw away my trash.

N: I've got to go

H: You're no fun :(

N: I have a job to do.

H: Okay okay, but can I pick you up from work?

N: Sure, but wear the clothes that you want to die in because I'm going to murder you, forget the other guys who want you dead, I'm taking you out myself.

H: Woah, chill Niall. What time do you get off?

N: 8:30

H: I'll be there.

N: Bye

H: Peace

I roll my eyes before stuffing my phone in my pocket and returning to work. The time passes by slowly, but I manage to get by. I mostly think about where Harry did his business, but I force myself to push that thought out of my mind when I start to picture him doing the act himself instead of where he was doing it.

My cheeks burn and I know that I am the color of a tomato. I rush away from the table I was serving as soon as I can and I hide in the kitchen until I calm down a bit.

When the clock strikes eight thirty I untie my apron and hang it up in my locker. I place my tips in my wallet, I notice that I've done pretty good tonight. Maybe I'll treat Harry and myself to something because I'm absolutely starving.

I wait out front for Harry, and if I had my watch back I would be checking the time on it. I'm just about to call him or go back inside to see if Zayn is still here - even though I doubt he'd give me a ride after how I've been ignoring him all day - when a sharp horn of a car catches my attention.

My eyes are drawn to the new black Jeep Wrangler that has just pulled up in front of the restaurant. It's brand spanking new and it has many upgrades. I can't help but gawk. The window rolls down and I shut my mouth and I'm ready to apologize to the driver for staring at their car but it's Harry in the drivers seat.

"Harry? What the hell?" I ask.

"Are you going to get in or what?" he grins at me.

I get in the car and buckle myself in, "Where did you get this?"

"Some people owed me some things, and this was the end result," he explains.

"Wow," I say, running my hand over the dashboard, "This is awesome."

"I'm glad you think so, because it's all yours?"

I choke on my spit then. When I'm done with my coughing attack I croak, "Really?"

Harry smiles at me, "I told you I would get you a new car, right?"

I study him to see if he's being serious. When I decide that he is I grin, "Thank you Harry. Now pull over so that I can drive."

A/N: Soooo...Choices (my other story) made it to round 2 for the bromance awards!! Thank you guys if you voted, this means so much more than you know!

Anyway...all of this Narry fluff makes me want a relationship :/ like that will happen :( I'm so sad I haven't even been kissed and I'm freaking 18 for christs sakes! When did you have your first kiss (if you don't mind sharing) :) hope you liked!

Robber (Narry) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now