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"All I wanted was some fucking McDonalds," I sigh and run my hands through my hair before having to quickly reach out for the handle to steady myself because of Harry's sharp turn, "It's like there's a sign saying that I'm going to starve to death."

"Niall, shut up, this is serious," Harry grits out of his clenched teeth.

"I know that this is serious, but I need to talk or I'm going to start having a panic attack and I don't think you want that added to all of this mess," I tell him.

His eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, "Then by all means."

I cross my arms over my chest, "Thank you."

Harry continues to drive and I notice that we're nearing red light but he isn't slowing down.

"Harry," I warn, "There's a red light coming up."

"I know Niall," he replies.

"I really don't want to die today," I tell him, "Slow down."

"I can't slow down unless you want to die by the guys following us. Plus, maybe this will be like in the movies and we'll be okay and the people following us get hit."

"But this isn't a movie Harry," I squeal. We're almost at the light now. I clench my eyes shut, I can't watch this. I take my final moments and pray that we'll be okay. I can't die on an empty stomach.

I hear a truck horn and I know that this is the end. Harry swerves out of the way and my head hits the window harshly. I groan and clutch my head in my hands.

"Niall? Are you okay?" Harry asks me, sparing me a worried glance before he's looking at the road again.

I respond with a hum/groan as we hit a bump in the road. "I'm fine," I say weakly.

"I'm sorry for that, but we made it," Harry smiles.

I glare at him from my seat.

"How about those other guys? Was it like the movies?" I ask, rubbing the bump that's already starting to form on my temple.

Harry looks in the mirror again and cusses, "They made it, but they're blocked in between a couple of cars that swerved out of the way. Is there any place that you can go?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I reply. I tell him the address to Zayn's apartment complex and Harry makes his way there, turning down a lot of random streets to make sure that those guys are off our tails.

"Call your friend so that he knows you're coming," Harry tells me. His hands are still plastered to the steering wheel with a tight grip and he keeps looking around anxiously.

I nod before pulling my phone out of my pocket. I dial Zayn's number and he answers on the third ring.


"Hi Zayn, it's Niall. I kind of need a place to stay for the night-"

"Week," Harry cuts me off.

I give him a look, "I mean week. Would it be okay if I stayed with you?"

There's a pause on the other line, "Um...yeah sure. When should I be expecting you?"

"Well I'm pretty much turning down your street," I tell him.

"Oh okay mate, see you very soon then."

"Yeah," I reply before hanging up the phone.

Harry pulls up to the curb and stops the car. I glance at him in confusion.

"Zayn's place is the next block up."

"I know. I don't want anyone seeing me drop you off there, or he could be in danger as well," he reaches in the backseat and pulls out a black sweatshirt and a matching beanie. It's the outfit that he wore when he broke into my house. "Put this on."

I tug the sweatshirt over my head and then I pull on the beanie. I look at him expectantly.

"Okay, out you go."

"You're not coming with me?" I ask him.

"I can't. I've already put you in enough danger, I can't put you in any more," he says, looking straight out the window.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I'm hurt that he won't be coming with me. I don't want him to get hurt.

"Niall just go before they find us," he says, hands falling into his lap. He closes his eyes and bites his bottom lip.

I swallow hard. I want to ask him if he'll be safe and if he'll come back but instead I say, "What about my car?"

"I'll get you another one," Harry tells me.

"Okay," I say after a minute. I climb out of my car and stare through the window at Harry, pleading silently that he'll look over at me.

He doesn't. Instead he puts the car back in gear and he pulls away from me. I watch him until he's out of sight.

A/N: Figured I'd double update for you lovely people because it's short and I had this done :)

Robber (Narry) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now