Twenty Two

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 I pull off of the highway and onto a dirt road around five in the morning. The sun is beginning to come up and I'm exhausted, but we made it. Harry and Zayn have been asleep for hours, leaving me to the sound of our car on the road and my thoughts. I turned on the radio and it's playing softly through the car speakers.

I put the car into park after pulling into the driveway and I sit back in my seat, closing my eyes for a minute. I turn off the ignition and gently shake Harry's shoulder to wake him.

"Hm? Where are we?" he asks, after hissing when he brings his wounded arm up to rub his eyes.

"We're at my families second house," I reply.

"And it's in the middle of nowhere?" he asks.

"Pretty much."

"It's perfect then," Harry gives me a smile.

I return it and groan, "I'm so tired."

"Why didn't you wake me? I would have drove the rest of the way," he tells me.

"It's okay. You're hurt and you wouldn't have known where we were going," I explain to him, "Let's go inside shall we?"

He nods and looks over his shoulder at Zayn, "What are we going to do about him?"

I sigh, "I don't know...he's gonna have to take it easy for awhile...we should wake him and help him inside."

Harry and I wake Zayn which is an easy task, but helping him out of the car and into the house isn't a very easy task.

"Fuck," Zayn groans again, "You guys suck at this."

"I've never been in this situation like, ever, Zayn," I tell him, groaning from his weight.

I quickly unlock the door with the key that's hidden in one of the potted plants and I let us in. I direct Harry to the guest room and we help Zayn get situated before we go into the master room.

I enter the room without even turning the lights on. I slip my shirt over my head and I kick my jeans off before flopping down onto the bed. Harry laughs at me from the doorway. I hear him grunt and struggle to take his jeans off.

"Need any help?" I mumble into my pillow.

"No," he replies as he slips under the covers.

I turn and curl up into his side, silently thanking myself that I've chosen the side of Harry's good arm.

"Why are you still wearing your shirt?" I ask him sleepily.

"Couldn't get it off," he replies. I laugh.

"Night Harry."

"Night Ni. Thanks for taking care of me," Harry whispers, caring his fingers through my hair.

I bite my lip to hold back a smile and I squeeze my arm tighter around him.


When I wake up it's half past one in the afternoon and Harry is no longer next to me. I lay in bed for a few minutes longer, allowing myself to wake up slowly, and then I get up.

"Harry?" I call out when I exit the room.

Zayn is sitting on the couch in the living room, looking uncomfortable and eating some cereal.

"Yeah?" he asks, coming into the room.

"Where were you?" I ask him, cuddling into him like a koala.

"I heard Zayn calling for help this morning, and I couldn't fall back asleep. Turns out that Zayn can't even wipe his own ass with his injury."

I laugh and bury my head in Harry's shoulder while Zayn says, "Shut the fuck up," but I can hear the smile in his voice.

Harry guides me over to the couch and pulls me onto his lap. I lean into him and he snuggles into my neck.

"How long are we staying here?" Zayn asks.

"We should probably stay until we get our passports and plane tickets figured out. As soon as that's done we'll be out of here," Harry replies, playing with my fingers absentmindedly.

Zayn nods, looking thoughtful, "Think we'll be okay here?"

"I should be asking you that Zayn. How good are Liam's guys?" Harry asks.

" that Louis and I are gone...he doesn't really have much going for him...I'd say we'd be good for a few days, yeah."

"That's good, because I wasn't planning on doing anything today," I grin.

The three of us end up watching movies all day and just having a lazy day. I feel like I haven't had an off day like this in a long time and it's very relaxing.

Zayn nods off as the sun is going down and Harry and I decide to go pick up some dinner from the nearby town, seeing as there's no food in this house.

We lock up behind us after leaving Zayn a note as to where we've gone just in case he wakes up. I end up in the driver's seat and I pull out of the driveway back onto the dirt road. I sing along softly to the radio as I drive.

We end up just getting McDonald's because it's close, fast, and cheap to get. Harry thinks that I don't notice him stealing fries from the bag, but I just don't say anything.

Zayn is still asleep when we return, a look of worry on his sleeping face. He must be having a nightmare, I think. Zayn wakes with a gasp and a whimper of, "No," before he realizes that it was a dream and he calms down.

"We brought food," I tell him, handing him the bag of food.

"Thanks," he says and takes a few things out of the bag.

I'm halfway through my burger when Zayn's phones starts ringing. The look on his face when he reads the name of who's calling him is not a good one.

"It's Liam," he tells us.

Suddenly, I'm not very hungry anymore.

"Speaker phone," Harry tells him.

Zayn picks up the call and puts the phone on speaker.

"Hello Zayn, is Harry there?" Liam's sweet voice asks through the phone.

Zayn looks at Harry warily, "I'm here," Harry says, voice hard.

"Ah, Harry. I suggest that you come back with everything that you owe me and I suggest that you do it quick," Liam tells him.

"Why would I ever do such a thing?" Harry asks, his jaw clenched.

"Because I have your sister," Liam replies and I can hear the smile in his voice.

Harry's hands clench where they're resting on his knees, "I don't believe you."

There's silence on the other line before an unmistakable voice comes on, "Harry, help me."

The line goes dead.


A/N: Uh oh....this chapter started out so lame haha. What is your guilty pleasure song right now?

Robber (Narry) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now