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*Jason's POV*



It was no use. I could never escape in 3 seconds. I close my eyes to accept the inevitable.

"Bruce, Alfie, Dickie, I'm sorry." I was thinking. "Barbie, I'm sorry that I never told you."


I opened my eyes... and saw white. There was nothing. No floor, no walls, no sky, just... white everywhere.

"Hello, Jason Peter Todd" A voice said behind me.

I quickly turned my head and saw an old man. Not as old as Alfred, but still old. He was short, grey and long handlebar moustache, wearing a suit and bowler hat, but holding an umbrella. Who was he?

"I have been called many things over the eons." He said, as if reading my mind. "Yes, I did read your mind."

"Who are you?" I asked, cautiously.

"As I've said, I've been called many things over the eons. I hear everyone call me many things, but you may know me as... God."

"Yeah, you really think I'm going to believe that?" I scoffed.

"I don't think you have a choice." He said, somehow behind me.

"How'd you do that?"

"As I said, I'm known as God to you, but I prefer to be called the Presence"

"Alright. What am I doing here, though?"

He smiled sadly, "You are in Limbo, young Todd. It seems that the good you did in past few years counter-balanced the bad you did when homeless. However, that wasn't enough. You are to remain here, forever, unless you agree."

"Agree? With what?" I asked desperately. I didn't want to remain here forever, wandering around the in-between for eternity. I wanted to go home. To Bruce. To Alfie. To Barbara.

"You have a choice, Jason. It was never my intention for the Joker kill you, or for him to even exist in the first place. So I'm giving you a choice."

"What? What is it?"

"Either spend eternity here, or become my Grim Reaper, reaping those that need to leave the plain of existence."

I was stunned. God wanted me to become the Grim Reaper. I didn't know what to think.

"You must choose quickly, Jason. Time moves faster here."

"I'll do it.'

He smiled sadly, "I knew you would. You'll wake up in the Narrows, your home. You will look very similar to how you do now, but with a few changes."

"What kind?"

"You'll see. You also won't be able to die, as you are Death itself."

"What about-"

"Anyone that you may come to love will be a rare exception. I will allow only one person to join you in immortality. Any more questions?"

"How will I know who is to live and who is to die?"

He grinned, something I didn't think he could do. "That, I will let you find out on your own. Good luck, young Todd, as we may never see each other again. Also, Catherine says hello, and that she's sorry."

I was about to say something, but then the floor under me opened to a hole, and I fell.

I opened my eyes, and looked around. What I saw, was my home. Not the manor, or the streets, but the place where I grew up. The apartment where I was beaten by my alcoholic father, or ignored for the drugs that my mother had in her. The place that I abandoned when I saw my mother on the floor, dead from an overdose, and where my father was killed in prison.


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