Dance With Death

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*Barbara's POV*

I almost laughed at the stunned silence that this stranger, Grant Letum, was doing when I revealed that I recognized him.

There was almost no way I could. He looked completely different from when I first saw him, but there was his eyes.

They were pretty, but the color was... odd. His eyes were as white as a ghost. Almost like if I stared at him long enough, he could see my soul.

"Well, Mr. Letum, what do you have to say for yourself?" I asked, whispering, while also gripping his shoulder and hand, and I almost yelped when I did so. His shoulder and hands were hard. Hard to crush, almost like he was made of steel.

"Miss Gordon-" He tried to say.

"Barbara." I interrupted.

He smiled. "Barbara, I assure you that I mean no ill will towards you tonight, or any other nights." He said.

I scoffed. "Like I'd believe that. You break into my home, taunt me about responsibility, then tell me that you knew my name."

He grinned. "I did not know that it was your home, Barbara, or why I taunted you the way that I did."

"And for knowing my name?" I hesitated.

His grin went wider. I almost wanted to punch it off or kiss it off. 'Where did that part come from?' I wondered. I just met this man, and yet I can't help but think that I've known him for years.

"As for that, I wanted to let you know that your secrets would be safe with me." He said.

"S-Secrets?" I stuttered. I had to really push down a blush for that. 'What else does he know about me?'

"Yes, Barbara. I know a lot of-"

Gunshots and screams cut him off.

"Hold it, everybody, this party has truly begone!" I bit back a curse when I heard the voice of Black Mask.

'How did he get in? The gates were open, remember?'

"I want every person on the ground, now!" He demanded. Seeing as how Bruce, Dick, Cass, Tim, or me had our gear, and in the presence of around twenty heavily armed men with Black Mask, we were forced to comply.

Everyone, except Grant Letum, did what Roman wanted.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered angrily, wondering if he had a death wish.

"You!" Black Mask yelled at Grant. "What are you doing? Do you have a death wish? I said on the ground, now!"

Grant chuckled. In Sionis's face. 'He does have a death wish.' I thought bitterly.

"Something funny, boy?!" Black Mask demanded, putting his pistol on Grant's chin. He was just as shocked as everyone, and hid it poorly. "I want you to look at me in the eyes as your about to die. This is what happens when you decide to dance with Death!"

"On the contrary, Mr. Sionis, it is you who is going to be dancing with death." Grant said, the calmness in his voice sending shivers down my spine.

Black Mask laughed. "Oh yeah? And how is that going to happen?" He mocked, pushing the gun deeper into his skin.

"Like this." He then got out of the grip that Black Mask had on him, and pushed Roman back.

He then began to change. His suit became an all black cloak, and the hood must've been magic, because it completely covered his face. There was nothing there, almost like the shadows covered his face.

Bullets bounced off of him, leaving everyone shocked. What happened next made everyone gasp.

He pulled out a scythe. A fucking scythe! How did he carry that around? Magic?

So many questions ran through my head as we all watched this mysterious figure slice through Black Mask's goons.

They all dropped over dead, even if there was no marks or signs of a cut anywhere on them.

"Hey woah now, calm down! I can give you anything; guns, drugs, money, I'll even leave right now, get on a plane, and go somewhere, anywhere!" Black Mask said, scared.

"How about you go to Hell?" The Cloaked One said. His hand flaming black, and punched where Black Mask's heart is. "Say hi to Joker for me." I heard him whisper.

"Heh, how was that for a waltz?" Grant said, returning his clothes back into his suit. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, cop cars were here. I turned my head back towards where I saw Grant, and nobody was there.

"Babs? You okay? What happened? Why is Black Mask and twenty of his goons dead?" Dick said behind me.

"You don't remember?" I questioned.

He tilted his head in confusion. "Remember what?"

"The man next to me?! The man I was dancing with who killed them?!" I asked.

He chuckled. "Babs, I think you were going into shock. You weren't dancing with anyone other than me." Dick said, putting his hands on my hips.

I backed up hastily, then stormed out of the manor.

I don't know who that man is, or why he seems familiar, but I will figure this out.

*Jason's POV*

I teleported back into the Tower of Fate.

"So, how'd it go?" Dr. Fate asked.

"Was I supposed to kill Black Mask, or was that just unfortunate?" I questioned, wondering if Chaos will strengthen.

He chuckled. "He was supposed to die, but Barbara Gordon will wonder what is happening." I tilted my head in confusion, and he sighed once more. "You may have altered everyone's memories, but Gordon's are still the same. She is immune to any magic you may put her under, a side affect of you choosing to make her your immortal companion."

I blushed. "Oh. So what's going to happen now?"

"We shall see, Todd. For now, I advise caution when it comes to Miss Gordon. She's beginning to get suspicious about who you really are."

I nodded. Being away from Barbara was going to be difficult, but if it ensures her safety, then that's a chance I'm willing to take.

I'll wait as long as it takes, Barbie.

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