Chapter 3: The Accidental Confession

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As the days turned into weeks, the digital connection between Ye Qinran and Lu Yichen grew stronger. They found themselves eagerly checking each other's profiles, their interactions becoming more frequent and meaningful. Yet, neither had taken the bold step of revealing their true feelings.

One fateful evening, Lu Yichen sat in their dimly lit room, their heart heavy with the weight of their unspoken emotions. They couldn't suppress their admiration for Ye Qinran any longer. Determined to confess their feelings, they decided to create a private side account on both Twitter and Tumblr. With trembling fingers, they composed a heartfelt post, pouring their heart into the message.

"Sometimes," Lu Yichen typed, "there's someone you admire from afar, someone whose words and presence light up your world. You wish you had the courage to tell them how much they mean to you."

With their confession crafted and their heart racing, Lu Yichen prepared to post it to their private account. However, in their nervousness, they made a grave mistake. Instead of sending it to the private account, they accidentally posted it on their main, public account, where they had a considerably larger following.

Panicking, Lu Yichen quickly realized the error and attempted to delete the post. But it was too late. The tweet had already gained likes and retweets at an alarming rate, spreading like wildfire through their followers' feeds.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the virtual world, Ye Qinran was engrossed in their usual scrolling. Their eyes widened as they came across a tweet that seemed oddly personal and heartfelt, unlike Lu Yichen's usual posts. It read, "Sometimes, there's someone you admire from afar, someone whose words and presence light up your world. You wish you had the courage to tell them how much they mean to you."

Though it was cryptic, the words struck a chord with Ye Qinran. They wondered if this heartfelt confession could possibly be about them. However, self-doubt crept in. Surely, it could be about anyone, right? Maybe Lu Yichen was simply inspired by someone else they admired.

Yet, an unsettling feeling gnawed at Ye Qinran's mind. They couldn't shake the suspicion that it might be directed at them. Their curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to send a message to the author of the tweet, not realizing that it was the mortified Lu Yichen behind the confession.

"Hey," Ye Qinran typed, their fingers hovering over the keyboard, "I couldn't help but notice your tweet. It's really sweet. Is there someone special you're talking about?"

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