Chapter 7: Lu Yichen's Heartbeat

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As Ye Qinran and the anonymous messenger continued their cryptic conversation, Lu Yichen watched their screen with bated breath, a mixture of relief and nervous anticipation washing over them. Could Ye Qinran possibly see through the veil of anonymity? Could they detect the true sender of the messages?

Each reply from Ye Qinran was met with eager scrutiny, as Lu Yichen searched for any hint or clue that their true identity might be revealed. Yet, Ye Qinran's responses remained thoughtful and neutral, as if they were carefully guarding their own emotions.

Days turned into nights, and the anonymous exchange continued. The messages flowed with a sense of shared camaraderie and understanding, but the truth remained elusive. Lu Yichen, while grateful for the opportunity to express their feelings indirectly, longed for the moment when they could be truly honest with Ye Qinran.

One evening, as the digital conversation took a more introspective turn, Ye Qinran confided, "I've often wondered if it's possible to truly know someone through their words online. It's like we share so much, yet there's still so much left unsaid."

Lu Yichen felt their heartstrings tug at those words. They couldn't agree more, and it seemed like an opportune moment to provide a gentle nudge towards a more revealing conversation. Taking a deep breath, they replied, "You're absolutely right. Sometimes, it takes a leap of faith to share something important. But when you do, it can lead to a deeper connection than you ever imagined."

They watched as Ye Qinran read the message and then began typing a response. For Lu Yichen, this was a pivotal moment, a step closer to revealing the truth.

But just as Ye Qinran's message was about to be sent, a sudden interruption in the form of a notification startled them. It was a new tweet from Lu Yichen's main account—a tweet unrelated to their anonymous messages. Ye Qinran's attention was momentarily diverted.

Lu Yichen's heart raced as they realized what had just happened. They had almost come close to confessing their true identity, but a single tweet had thwarted their plans. They watched, mortified, as Ye Qinran engaged with the new tweet, oblivious to the missed opportunity.

Meanwhile, Ye Qinran chuckled at the tweet from Lu Yichen's main account and sent a quick reply. In their mind, they were simply engaging in another casual exchange with a mutual follower.

Little did they know that Lu Yichen was on the brink of revealing their true feelings, and the accidental tweet had just added another layer of complexity to their digital romance.

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