Chapter 8: A Nervous Admission

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With the accidental tweet temporarily distracting Ye Qinran, Lu Yichen's heart pounded in their chest as they watched the missed opportunity to reveal their true identity slip away. They knew they had to find another way to express their feelings without jeopardizing the fragile connection they had formed.

As the days passed, Lu Yichen couldn't shake the desire to be completely honest with Ye Qinran. The weight of their secret grew heavier with each message exchanged. They knew they had to find the right moment to confess their true identity and the depth of their feelings.

One evening, after a particularly engaging conversation about their shared love for classic literature, Ye Qinran typed a message that tugged at Lu Yichen's heartstrings. "You know," they began, "I've never felt this comfortable talking to someone online. It's strange how we can be so open with each other even when we're miles apart."

Lu Yichen felt a lump in their throat as they read those words. They realized that they couldn't keep hiding behind anonymity. They had to find a way to reveal the truth.

Summoning all their courage, Lu Yichen replied, "I feel the same way. In fact, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." They paused, their fingers hovering over the keyboard, unsure if they could go through with it. But then they thought of Ye Qinran's warmth, their shared laughter, and the countless hours they had spent chatting. They couldn't hold back any longer.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yichen continued, "The truth is, I'm not just an anonymous friend. I'm someone you know, someone you follow on your main account."

As the message sent, Lu Yichen's heart raced. They waited anxiously for Ye Qinran's response, hoping beyond hope that their revelation wouldn't jeopardize the deep connection they had forged.

On the other side of the screen, Ye Qinran's eyes widened as they read the message. Their heart began to race with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. They couldn't imagine who this anonymous friend could be.

"Someone I follow on my main account?" they typed, their fingers trembling slightly. "Can you give me a hint?"

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