Chapter 5: Lu Yichen's Mortification

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The conversation between Ye Qinran and Lu Yichen continued, though the true nature of their feelings remained hidden beneath layers of uncertainty. Each message exchanged between them was laden with unspoken emotions and concealed intentions.

For Lu Yichen, the relief of avoiding immediate exposure mixed with a growing sense of mortification. Every word they typed felt like a tightrope walk, each response a careful dance to keep their true feelings hidden. They had confessed their admiration inadvertently but dared not reveal the identity of the person who had captured their heart.

As days turned into nights and their conversations grew more animated, Lu Yichen found themselves fighting an internal battle. They desperately longed to tell Ye Qinran the truth, to confess that the heartfelt tweet was indeed about them. Yet, fear of rejection and uncertainty held them back.

On the other end of the screen, Ye Qinran remained blissfully unaware of the tangled web of emotions. Their curiosity had been momentarily satisfied by Lu Yichen's vague response, and they continued to enjoy the virtual companionship. Each interaction with Lu Yichen brought a smile to their face, a spark of joy in the mundane routine of their life.

But beneath the surface, both Ye Qinran and Lu Yichen were wrestling with their own dilemmas. Ye Qinran questioned whether they were reading too much into the situation, doubting the possibility that Lu Yichen's admiration could be directed at them. Meanwhile, Lu Yichen was tormented by the secret they held, the confession they were too afraid to make.

In the days that followed, their digital connection grew stronger, their hearts inching closer together with each message exchanged. Yet, the truth of their feelings remained buried in the depths of their hearts, waiting for the right moment to surface.

As they continued to navigate the uncertain waters of their budding online romance, neither of them could anticipate the unexpected twist of fate that would soon push them beyond the confines of their screens and into the realm of real-life emotions and revelations.

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