Chapter 9: Ye Qinran's Surprise

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Ye Qinran stared at the screen, their curiosity piqued by the mysterious message from their anonymous friend. The revelation that this person was someone they followed on their main account sent their mind racing, trying to decipher the hidden identity.

As they waited for a response, the possibilities raced through their mind. Could it be one of their mutual friends, a fellow blogger, or someone they had encountered in the vast expanse of social media? The anonymity added a layer of intrigue to the situation, and they couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement.

After a few moments that seemed to stretch into eternity, a reply appeared on their screen. "I can give you a hint," the message read. "I often share your love for art and literature, and I find your sense of humor both charming and witty."

Ye Qinran's heart skipped a beat as they read the hint. It felt like a puzzle piece sliding into place, narrowing down the possibilities. They knew someone who shared these interests and appreciated their sense of humor.

Their fingers danced over the keyboard as they typed, "It sounds like you're talking about... Lu Yichen?" Even as they sent the message, a surge of uncertainty washed over them. What if they were wrong? What if this person was someone else entirely?

On the other end of the conversation, Lu Yichen's heart raced. They had taken a leap of faith by revealing their true identity, and now they awaited Ye Qinran's response with bated breath.

When Ye Qinran mentioned Lu Yichen's name, a mix of relief and anticipation washed over them. They had guessed correctly, but they still wondered how Ye Qinran would react to the revelation.

A message from Lu Yichen quickly appeared on the screen. "Yes, it's me," they typed, their fingers trembling slightly. "I'm the one you've been talking to all this time."

Ye Qinran's eyes widened as they read the message, and a smile broke across their face. They couldn't believe that the person they had been growing closer to was someone they already knew, someone they followed and admired on their main account.

"It's you!" Ye Qinran replied, their excitement evident in their words. "I can't believe it. I've enjoyed our conversations so much, and now that I know it's you, it makes it even better."

Lu Yichen let out a sigh of relief, their heart soaring at Ye Qinran's positive response. They had finally revealed their true identity, and it seemed that their connection had only grown stronger. Little did they know that this revelation was just the beginning of a new chapter in their virtual romance, one filled with even deeper emotions and unexpected surprises.

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