Chapter 4: Ye Qinran's Curiosity

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Ye Qinran's message hung in the digital air, the seconds feeling like an eternity as they waited for a response. Their heart raced, and a million thoughts swirled through their mind. Could this heartfelt tweet possibly be about them? Or was it just a coincidence?

Lu Yichen, on the other hand, stared at their screen, their heart pounding like a drum. They had never imagined that their accidental confession would prompt a response so quickly. Panic coursed through their veins as they contemplated how to reply.

After what felt like an eternity, Lu Yichen finally gathered the courage to respond, their fingers trembling over the keyboard, "Hey, thanks for the kind words. It's a bit complicated, but there's someone I've admired for a while, but I'm not sure if I have the courage to tell them."

As soon as they hit "send," Lu Yichen's heart raced even faster. They couldn't believe they were having this conversation with the person they admired. What if Ye Qinran figured out it was them? What if they were completely off base with their suspicions?

Meanwhile, Ye Qinran read Lu Yichen's response, their eyes narrowing slightly as they processed the cryptic message. "Someone I've admired for a while..." They couldn't help but wonder if this could be about them. The uncertainty gnawed at them, but they didn't want to jump to conclusions.

With a thoughtful expression, Ye Qinran typed, "I see. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind. It's brave to even consider telling them how you feel. I hope it works out for you."

Lu Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Ye Qinran hadn't picked up on the clues in their response. They replied with a heartfelt thanks, and the conversation continued, albeit cautiously.

As the digital conversation flowed, both Ye Qinran and Lu Yichen were acutely aware that their connection had taken an unexpected turn. Unbeknownst to them, the intricate web of feelings, misunderstandings, and unspoken emotions was only beginning to weave itself into the story of their budding romance.

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