Chapter 10 - Is It Worth It?

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Instead of providing Dick with any sort of explanation Sam can think of, she decides she'll meet up with Jason instead. Dick knows he's alive and he's going to want answers which means Sam is going to be the one interrogated by him. But, Jason tried to kill Dick tonight and that is sending up a large red flag that almost makes her want to tell Dick everything. So, she figures she can meet up with Jason and hope he gives her a good enough reason to either keep her mouth shut or to spill what she knows to Dick. Something is off and it's more than just Jason coming back from the dead.

Sam heads outside to the front steps of the Manor. The only people awake are just her and Dick anyway, but she wants to be outside for this one. She takes out the burner and presses redial.

"Shouldn't you be getting some damn sleep?" Jason answers.

"Shouldn't you?" Sam quips back. "Heard you had an eventful night."

"Fair enough." He remarks but he sounds tired.

"Can we meet?" Sam asks bluntly.

"Now?" Jason huffs, looking around his hideout that's lit up with lamps on the floor.

"Yeah, now." Sam's voice is flat and usually Jason can read what she's up to but not now.

"Why?" His brows knight together as the word is slow to leave his throat.

"I can't want to see you after you just fought the Titans?" Sam asks, a slight snip in her voice.

"You gonna bitch about it?" Jason quips back getting the idea maybe Dick told her what happened or Gar.

"No." Sam lies.

"Fine. Remember that alley the day we did that bust at the warehouse in Crime Alley?"


"Meet me there. Leave now." Jason says quickly before hanging up.

Sam pulls the phone from her head, looking at it. Now that's also a bit uncharacteristic of him. He always says it. He always tells her he loves her before he hangs up. Her heart plummets to her stomach. She made the Pet Sementary reference to him but she didn't think it would be literal. Now, she's starting to think maybe it is.

The idea that just because you can bring someone back from the dead, doesn't mean you can bring someone back from the dead. Something about them is different, there's a change. Like a part of their soul or something gets left behind. The good parts of them stay behind but everything else is what gets to come back. She knows that's not entirely true because of how he was with her when they met up the first time. That can't be it. But there is something. And it's eating at her. 

Jason, on the other hand, he knows her. He knows she wants to meet up to check on him, yes. She'll always want to check on him after any sort of fight with anyone. It's what she does. But, he also knows she's going to have questions about him attacking Dick and the other Titans. She tipped him off, sure, but maybe she didn't think he was going to actually attack them. He knows she's going to question him about it, probably lecture him. He doesn't want to listen to it. He can't listen to it. A part of him will want to break if he does and he knows it. He knows he will if he goes there clean. So, he doesn't. He hits the inhaler and pockets it before heading to the alley.

Jason gets there first, hiding in the shadows until Sam shows up. She's on her bike, completely suited up. She doesn't want anyone seeing her with him. Not the real her. Red Hood is pissing off a lot of people and she already has enough shit she's dealing with. The last thing she wants is a target painted on her civilian self for being seen with him.

Sam dismounts the bike, popping the helmet on the handlebar as she looks around. Jason walks out from the shadows, wearing the suit and the helmet. Of course, he is.

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