Chapter 20 - Purple Rain

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Jason's hands are on her cheeks with his lips pressed to hers. Sam's hands are gripping the ends of his jacket hoodie with all her might, tugging him as close to her as she possibly can as if the very force of her grip will keep him here forever. The teeth of the zippers dig into the palms of her hands and she can't offer a single thought as her mouth moves with Jason's and everything starts to turn sloppy and desperate.

Jason backs them up to the wall where he pins Sam against it. Teeth smack and clank as they grip each other wherever their hands lead them as if everything in this moment will fix all of their broken pieces and tainted dreams. They give each other everything, every breath and movement and every piece of themselves to each other. Jason cuts himself open and gives her everything in him, every part of him even the bad parts just makes her feel whole. He bleeds him dry without ever second guessing it just for her, just to make sure she is happy. And Sam pulls the air out of her lungs and offers it to him in silver jars just to watch him smile. She gives him the very oxygen she breathes as if it'll save him from himself. Sam offers him the air she breathes in order to see him smile and know he is enough. They give each other everything they can as if this will be the last time they have this moment.

Jason wants to believe this is not the last time but he has never gotten to be so lucky. Not in this life or the previous one. His own certainty is that he will love her in every life after. She has ruined him for anyone who ever even dared to show up later because he is stained by her and he would never have it any other way. But, there is that piece of him that thinks this is it. This is all there will ever be. Something will happen and this will be it so he gives her his all as his mouth moves with hers and his right hand grips her hip hard enough to leave bruises.

Time happens. Sam knows time doesn't stop anyway. Days go by and then weeks, then months, and then years. Something always comes up and it'll always be a tomorrow problem and then another tomorrow and another until the tomorrows are neverending. This might be it because they have a habit of getting lost in time and there is never enough of it. Time will go by and maybe this will be it for them. So, she gives him every part of her as she tugs the hair at the nape of his neck.

Jason pulls away just enough to kiss her cheek and tenderly makes his way down her neck only to be met with the sturdy armor of her suit. Jason huffs against what skin is exposed before he moves back to her cheek, only for Sam to laugh softly.

"Safety first." She mutters through breathy words.

Jason snorts as his head feels fuzzy. "Fuck off." He mutters right as both of his hands squeeze her hips as if they're the only thing keeping him planted on the planet.

Jason slides a hand to her back, trailing over the zipper, ready to tug it down just as Sam's phone starts ringing. The two of them pull away, breaking for some air that isn't tangled between the two of them only to let out groans.

"Cockblock." Jason states as Sam tugs her phone from her suit.

Sam lets out a chortle, not looking up at Jason as her cheeks start to burn. "Who says you were getting that lucky?"

Jason narrows his eyes at her before he raises his brows. "Hey, a guy can hope." Jason states with sarcasm as Sam looks up at him with softness clouding her eyes.

"Fucking cockblock." Sam rolls her eyes earning a laugh from Jason. "Least that was fun." Sam nods her head as her smile turns into something sad and soft.

Sam answers the phone before Jason can respond. Dick mostly just explains the sort of plan they have for the moment. They aren't sure what they're going to do about the people in the streets but if Jason and Dick and Donna can be brought back, he wants to find a way to bring all of them back, too. but for now, Dick explains he's going to send Sam and Jason into the manor together to start taking out of the cops working with Crane in order to give Gar access to the alarm system. Once it's disabled, they'll take back the manor and take down Crane. Sam and Jason both think it sounds easy enough but sounding easy lately, doesn't mean it will be. But, they have faith in it. It'll be the closest they've come to taking down Crane anyway. So, they set up a time and end the call.

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